Saturday, July 16, 2016

Video: Fan collects all the R+L=J clues throughout Game of Thrones

Ready for something to hit you right in the feels, Game of Thrones fansYouTuber HurleyBird consolidated every single shred of information for the long-standing fan theory that R(haegar Targaryen) + L(yanna Stark) = J(on Snow). Until recently, the R+L=J theory had remained unproven despite the mountain of clues scattered throughout George R.R. Martin’s Song of Ice and Fire series.

For show-only fans, the truth behind Jon Snow’s parentage might have come as a surprise, but showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss have slyly slipped in hints throughout the show’s six seasons. Thanks to the Season 6 finale, we learned that Jon’s true mother was not a some random woman, but Ned Stark’s younger sister, Lyanna. And while HBO also confirmed the identity of Jon’s father in this infographic, we now have the visual evidence thanks to HurleyBird; all those clues have been collected and set to the saddest possible score.

We especially enjoy the parallels HurleyBird draws between Jon and his true father, Rhaegar Targaryen. Rhaegar inspired loyalty in much the same way Jon does/did (minus that whole stabbing in the stomach 57 times thing), and it was a very nice touch in the video. The only scene we wish had been included? In the very first episode of the series, “Winter is Coming,” Jon and Benjen Stark have a conversation in the courtyard. Jon laments not being able to sit at the high table with the rest of his family, as his bastardy might offend the visiting royals. The irony, of course, is we know that Jon is the true heir to the Iron Throne with a claim above better than Daenerys’. In your face, Catelyn! (Unless Rhaegar and Lyanna were unmarried, in which case Jon would still be a bastard, but one with two noble parents rather than one.)


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