Monday, August 1, 2016

Join the GoT Party!


You thought things would stay dull in the Game of Thrones off-season? Ha, as if.

HBO has unleashed their latest campaign today, just in time for the release of Game of Thrones: The Complete Sixth Season on Digital HD. What’s the deal? I hope you’re not sick of politics yet, because HBO is inviting fans to join a brand new movement: The GoT Party!

Described by HBO as “One party that everyone can get behind,” TheGoTParty is asking for our help selecting the very first Game of Thrones Party ticket, and for us to pledge support for our candidate. You can choose from GoT leaders such as Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow, Cersei Lannister and Petyr Baelish- after checking out their platforms, of course.

The GoTParty will run until August 31st, and will be updated with original video content, real-time polls and infographics. You can keep tabs on the goings-on on social networks with hashtag #GOT2016. On September 1st, a final winner will be announced, assuming there are survivors.

Make your voice heard: who will you support in this election? Vote!

The post Join the GoT Party! appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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