Friday, November 4, 2016

Game of Thrones Filming in Seville’s Shipyards Begins November 8th

Image via Wikipedia

The city of Seville continues to keep things in tight lock down for Game of Thrones, as word gets out they’ll be filming in the shipyards on Tuesday. These are the days of frustration, as the majority of the living lead cast members are all in one city, filming together at the same time, and we, the fans, have zero way of getting footage of it. We knew it would be that way is the Ruins of Italica, which is a below ground area to begin with, that the production then roofed over and put fences around, effectively keeping the anyone from seeing anything.

The other space in Seville won’t be much better. The Shipyards, a catacomb like cavernous interior, and easily closed off to tourists. Filming there, according to ABCSeville commences this coming Tuesday, November 8th.

Interestingly, the article says this is the first area they will be filming in. So although the actors have been in residence for going on several days, part of the reason we haven’t gotten any word of what’s happening filming-wise is because so far, nothing is happening. That’s quite unusual for the production, which has a tendency to employ the “wham, bam thank you ma’am” school of filming. Take for instance, the footage from Zumaia these past few weeks. Actors arrived piecemeal, and each literally the day before they began shooting. So to fly them all in like this ahead of time, and have them sit around for a few days is not the usual MO. One wonders, with so many cast members, many of whom have never worked together before, if the producers wants a few days of bonding in “united at last” type atmosphere.

ABCSeville warns that traffic will be affected around the shipyard area for the four days of filming (the cast will be working from Tuesday through the end of the week, Nov 8-11th) and for commuters to adjust their routes accordingly.



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