Monday, January 9, 2017

Bmore Into Comics 2017 Schedule!

Hi everyone!

We’ve just released the 2017 events schedule, and this year we’re trying a little something different (and by “different” we mean “hopefully more organized ahead of time”). We’re sending out the schedule for the year ahead of time, so you can mix and match and plan accordingly. If you can’t make one, nbd, you can probably make another one!

Here it is:

  • Issue #12 - February 18th, 1 - 7:00pm, The Windup Space
  • Issue #13 - April 15th (Tax Day PARTY!), 1 - 7:00pm, The Windup Space
  • Issue #14 - July 15th, 1 - 7:00pm, The Windup Space
  • Issue #15 - August 19th, 1 - 7:00pm, The Windup Space
  • Issue #16 - December 16th, 1 - 7:00pm, The Windup Space

We have also realized that we have a bit of a cap at The Windup Space, so if you don’t get in to one of these events, it could be because we just have too many wonderful comics creators (which is an AWESOME problem to have).

Anyhoo, if you’re interested in exhibiting, send us your website with samples of your comics work - our main requirement here at Bmore is that you can show/sell various things at your table, as long as comics are a part of them! (this includes webcomics, too - including postcards pointing peeps to your website, showing samples of what’s online, etc - totally cool!). Also, these events take place in Baltimore, MD, so make sure you can get here!

Send us an email ( with your name, website, and dates interested and we’ll be in touch!


Monica, Kata, & Jon

from Bmore Into Comics

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