Friday, March 10, 2017

Kit’s on it! Harington teases S7 in Brimstone interviews


“The same thing is coming for all of us. There is only one war that matters: The Great War. And it is here.”

Tell me you haven’t re-watched the new Season 7 teaser just to hear that single, brand-new, dulcet line a few (or twenty) more times… because if you haven’t, I don’t know what that says about you.

(I’m not even sure what that says about me, since I clearly did. My “replay” number is at 22 and counting.)

Jon Snow speaks little, but when he does the meaning speaks volumes of truth. And he’s speaking more these days!

In two exclusive interviews, Kit get us even more hyped for the new season! (July 16th, in case you just came out from under your rock like I just did – feel free to check our new COUNTDOWN CLOCK at the top of the page!) Whilst promoting his new film BRIMSTONE (co-starring Dakota Fanning and Guy Pierce, as well as our very own Carice van Houten), he talks Thrones to the masses!

In a Huffington Post interview with Bill Bradley, Kit says, regarding whether or not season 7 deserves the hype it’s been getting:

Yes, I’m gonna say ‘yes’. I mean I hope it is. I certainly did more this season than I’ve ever done. I think every actor on it did more action, had more action, had more scenes.

Everyone gets more action, eh? That could be taken a number of ways. I like it!

In a separate interview with ABC News’s Michael Rothman and Jason Nathanson, talking about what he ultimately hopes for the series as a whole, Kit says he wants it to go out with a ‘bang’:

“That has to happen at the end of ‘Thrones,’ this season and next season,” he said. “It has to go into places TV hasn’t been.”

They always say that, obviously, but I think he may have some insight with regard to this! Which of course has me stoked. Four months until the beginning of the end, people!

So what do you think? Are you as hyped as they want you to be? As hype as honor? Are these Cleganebowl levels of hype? Let us know!

Bonus: What’s your favorite Jon Snow line? Points will be awarded to your favorite GoT house (or, in lieu of a fallen house or House Frey, awarded to Gryffindor) for the most popular and the most obscure!

The post Kit’s on it! Harington teases S7 in Brimstone interviews appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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