Friday, June 2, 2017

Three New Spoilery Game of Thrones Season 7 Scenes Detailed By On-Set Visit


Game of Thrones has suffered greatly from leaks during this season’s production, perhaps more than ever before —or maybe it only feels that way because we don’t have books to compare to anymore, so anything we gather from filming, casting or script leaks constitutes a spoiler in a way it never did before. In any case, for those of us who have followed the news closely it may appear as if there are no season seven surprises left anymore… But we were wrong! Beware: spoilers below the cut!

During a set visit last October, Toronto Sun got to learn quite a bit about the production. In fact, if you want to go on a tour of the sets and costumes at Belfast’s Titanic Studios and the Banbridge soundstage, go ahead and read Steve Tilley‘s report of his set visit. But sets and costumes aren’t the only thing he saw. In fact, Tilley sets the stage for two political scenes early in the season (dialogue included!), and for an action scene that may confuse and excite you in equal measure —at least, that was my reaction.

Toronto Sun details a scene for episode two with the entire Targaryen faction. If you followed the production closely, you may have feared as I did that we were never going to get to see all of Dany’s loyalists together in a room… and I’m quite happy to be wrong about that: around Dragonstone‘s famous map table room, discussing “the best way to pry King’s Landing from Cersei Lannister’s grip,” there were Daenerys Targaryen, Tyrion Lannister, Missandei, Theon and Yara Greyjoy, Ellaria Sand and Olenna Tyrell.

Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) in front of her new throne / Photo: Helen Sloan/HBO

Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) in front of her new throne / Photo: Helen Sloan/HBO

The newspaper was privy to another scene of a similar political nature, though this one was from the premiere, and set not in the ancient Targaryen stronghold but up north in Winterfell. Present in the banquet hall where Jon Snow was proclaimed king in the North there was, of course, the king himself, Jon Snow, as well as Sansa Stark, Brienne of Tarth, Davos Seaworth, Lyanna Mormont, and Tormund Giantsbane —the king, his noble sister and her protector, his foremost adviser, a precocious bannerwoman, and a representative of the Free Folk. In the scene, they discuss the imminent threat of the White Walkers and what to do about it. Jon Snow insists they need to start mining obsidian, the only material known to kill White Walkers besides Valyrian steel: “Dragonglass kills White Walkers, and it’s now more valuable than gold.”

As for the third scene, Tilley wasn’t a direct witness, yet it may be the most intriguing of them all. Instead of seeing a scene being performed, he saw a prop being sculpted. How is that intriguing or exciting in any way? Well, it was a massive dragon skull… one out of 40 differently-sized dragon skulls. How does a dragon graveyard fit into season seven? We have no idea, but the Toronto Sun was told by the craftsmen they had to actually sculpt them all instead of doing them digitally because they would all be involved in an action sequence —there would be people running around (and perhaps on) the skulls.

So there it is: that Winterfell scene description tells us nothing new, but it does include dialogue straight out of the show; the Dragonstone scene assures us we’ll get to see all of the Targaryen loyalists interact before they split up during the campaign; and this apparent dragon graveyard… is just a great mystery. Isn’t it curious we haven’t heard absolutely nothing about this before? Season seven still holds many surprises!

The post Three New Spoilery Game of Thrones Season 7 Scenes Detailed By On-Set Visit appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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