Sunday, July 9, 2017

Game of Thrones cast members drop hints about Game of Thrones season 7 and brainstorm worse case scenarios


Sophie Turner (Sansa), Pilou Asbæk (Euron), Gemma Whelan (Yara), Daniel Portman (Podrick) and Jacob Anderson (Grey Worm) interviewed with Sky Deutschland recently to discuss their characters’ journeys in season 7 and brainstorm worse case scenarios on the show. Sadly, the video isn’t available to play in all regions so we’ve got the best bits summarized, screen capped and quoted for you. You’re welcome.


In her portion of the interview, Sophie Turner focused on Ramsay Bolton’s delicious (get it?) demise last season and hinted at how Sansa’s first taste of blood might inform her decisions moving forward.

“[Ramsay’s death was] great! It was my favorite scene,” she said. “I mean it was her first kill. It was such a moment for Sansa, not only because it was her first kill but because she finally got that respect from Jon [who allowed] her to have that power.

“That smile at the end was really significant because you don’t know whether she enjoyed it a little too much and she’s learning to love that side of playing the game … You wonder if she’s going to get a taste for it … She now feels that she’s got this power and that’s where we see her at the beginning of season 7.”


Daniel Portman and Jacob Anderson remained firmly, albeit apologetically, tight-lipped about where we’ll find their characters at the beginning of season 7. The most they could say was that, yes, both Pod and Grey Worm were last scene on boats heading away from one location and moving towards another.

“I mean it’s so hard. You can’t say anything …” Anderson said, “But I can confirm that Team Dany ends up somewhere.” He was a bit more open about discussing Grey Worm’s relationship with – no, not Missandei – but Tyrion.   “Grey Worm and Tyrion’s relationship is weird …” he said. “Grey Worm definitely doesn’t trust [Tyrion] … but I think it develops into a more trusting relationship towards the end.”

When the conversation shifted to theorizing about the worst Game of Thrones finale imaginable, Portman proposed a Newhart-style twist in which all 8 seasons turn out to have been a dream. Anderson capitalized on this idea and proposed that, perhaps, the entire show from 1×10 onwards has been Ned Stark’s journey through the Seven Hells and that the final shot of season 8 be Ned’s head hitting the bottom of the bucket.


Gemma Whelan and Pilou Asbæk discussed how the show pays homage to Euron Greyjoy’s characterization in the A Song of Ice and Fire while still forging its own path. “[The Kingsmoot] was a great entry because we had some of the lines that were written in the book that we used in that scene,” Asbæk said. “So everyone was just like, ‘Boom! Here it is. We’re going to say some of your favorite lines and now we’re going to go this direction with him.'”

Asbæk also discussed his difficulty with Euron’s English accent and it certainly says something about Euron’s storyline in season 7 that the two words he apparently struggled to pronounce the most were “murder” and “wanker.”

When asked for hypothetical worst case scenarios for their characters, Whelan pointed out that, in the world of Game of Thrones, the word “worst” has sort of lost all meaning.

“I think we can only expect the best case scenario because … all of the worst case scenarios have already happened,” she said.

Asbæk’s answer was a bit more specific: “I think the worst case scenario would be if [Yara] died,” to which Whelan made this face –


– and then, as seen in the screen capture that heads this article, proceeded to play a melancholic rendition of the Main Theme on an invisible violin.

Gods help us all.

If you happen to be in a region where the interview video is available to play (lucky you), you can check out the whole thing here.

The post Game of Thrones cast members drop hints about Game of Thrones season 7 and brainstorm worse case scenarios appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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