Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Isaac Hempstead Wright teases a possible Stark reunion in Season 7 as “bittersweet”

Sophie Turner, Isaac Hempstead Wright, Kit Harington and Maisie Williams. Photo: EW

Sophie Turner, Isaac Hempstead Wright, Kit Harington and Maisie Williams. Photo: EW

We don’t have to wait for season seven anymore but there’s still a lot of waiting to be done in season seven. Case in point: when, if ever, are we going to see our precious little Starks reunited? Bran may be on the way to Winterfell, but Arya is going in the opposite direction right now. Robb and Rickon are quite busy, too, being dead. So what is the likelihood of my fantasy scenario taking place? In a new interview, Isaac Hempstead Wright teases the possibility… but warns it may not be the happy reunion of our dreams.

The new three-eyed raven wasn’t as talkative to TV Guide as he was to Edd in the season premiere, but he still gave his thoughts on what a possible reunion would look like:

“I think if they were ever to reunite at some point, I think it would be bittersweet. They’ve been away for so long and they’re all very different people. Bran’s like a tree wizard, Arya’s an assassin, Sansa’s like very politically conniving now,” Isaac recapped. “I don’t know if any of them would really connect in the way that they used to.”

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He isn’t wrong, but it’s still a sad notion. Seeing Sansa and Jon together in season six was heartwarming, but their very different experiences have molded them into starkly (ha!) different people, so now they clash about the way things should be done. How would Jon react to her sweet little sister Arya having turned into an assassin? How would any of them deal with Bran’s detachment from individual human concerns? Would Arya and Sansa find common-ground as adults or would their experiences amplify their rivalry?

No matter the conflict that may result, I still want to see the surviving Starks all together again, and I know I’m not alone. Isaac Hempstead Wright happens to agree:

“I don’t know, I’d be interested to see it one day.”

I’m sure you would, Isaac. Why, I’m sure you haven’t filmed anything of the sort already!

The post Isaac Hempstead Wright teases a possible Stark reunion in Season 7 as “bittersweet” appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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