Monday, August 7, 2017

Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 4 “The Spoils of War” Written Recap/Review Round-Up

Jon Snow Theon up in each other's face like that

We get it: It’s Monday….Work stinks….Chaos is a ladder – All the usual stuff. BUT Mondays bring with them all these people who love to talk to you about what they enjoyed as well as what they didn’t care too much for. Being here means that you’ve already devoured Sue’s recap with more book insight, and Oz’s recap with less book insight. But you’ve finished all your chores, and you’ve done the dishes already, so why not kick back with some of your favorite critics from around the web? Dive in!

Alan Sepinwall, UPROXX – In which he loves the battle, but wishes that Jaime’s plot was concluded in this episode instead of next episode.

Alex Mullane, Digital Spy – In which he positively geeks out over Arya’s character development.

Alicia Lutes, Nerdist – In which the word “Hype” doesn’t begin to describe the hyperactivity contained within.

Alyssa Rosenberg, The Washington Post – In which she titles the episode an ‘outstanding piece of television.’

Andrew Snell, Mirror – In which he points to the long shadow cast over by Cersei, who, despite her brief on-screen minutes, is felt throughout the episode.

Bennett Madison, Vanity Fair – In which he reminds us that GOT is rapidly running out of Stark reunion pairings.

Dave Gonzales, Thrillist – In which he walks us through the different battle tactics employed by the armies on the Battle over the Roseroad (‘The Loot Train Battle’ is a silly title even by GOT standards).

David Crow, Den of Geek – In which he tells us that this episode finally answers the age-old question “[What] if Daenerys finally lived up to the words “Fire and Blood” by raining holy hell upon the fields of Westeros?”

David Malitz, The Washington Post – In which he commends the good humor coming from Pod and Davos.

David Rosenblatt, SquintyOverAnalyzesThings – In which I (yes, me, of me fame) explore the theme of the episode, which I dubbed as ‘things or people are not always what or who they appear.’

James Hibberd, Entertainment Weekly – In which he was on set for the filming of the ‘Arya comes home’ scene, and tells us that Maisie’s initial response to the bumbling guard duo was “Fuck off, I live here.”

Jen Chaney, Vulture – In which she discusses the numerous unsentimental, unsettling Stark reunions.

Josh Wigler, Hollywood Reporter – In which he very strongly doubts that we’ve seen the last of Jaime Lannister.

Kaitlyn Tiffany, The Verge – In which she goes through the many complicated emotions that could be conflicting in many GOT viewers’ heads right now.

Kim Renfro – Business Insider – In which, among zillions of articles posted in the last 24 hours, she calls it “one of the greatest episodes.”

Laura Hudson, WIRED – In which she fascinatingly explores how each of the three trueborn Stark children have become “more of themselves, not less.”

Laura Stone, Hey Don’t Judge Me – In which she does her one of a kind Laura Stone thing and if you don’t like it gtfo.

Lauren Sarner, Inverse – In which the phrase “jousting a fucking dragon” is my favorite.

Melanie McFarland, Salon – In which she astutely acknowledges that this episode played like a double feature, involving a story of a family reuniting and adjusting to their new world, which is then bookended by an action film.

Mike Bloom, Salon – In which Westeros World News (™) tries to make a quick buck by having a ‘Fire Sale.’

Myles McNutt, The A.V. Club – In which he charts the curious path our living may have left in their journey.

Neil Miller, Film School Rejects – In which he alludes to aspects not commonly touched upon, by exploring the battle through Tyrion’s lens, and the Brienne/Arya fight through Sansa’s.

Nina Shen Rastogi, Vulture – In which she runs us through the complicated emotions Tyrion must be feeling in those last moments.

Rob Bricken, io9 – In which he drools over the dialogue between Sansa and Arya in the crypt.

Sean T. Collins, Rolling Stone – In which he pauses to do a quick check in on who’s dead, and who’s still kicking.

TK, Pajiba – In which he thinks the episode bounced back after “last week’s minor stumble.”

Tom Huddleston, The Guardian – In which he makes a surprising number of very effective film and TV references.

All in all, seems like there was pretty much universal praise for the episode. Whose reviews did you love/hate, with all due respect of course, and as always?

The post Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 4 “The Spoils of War” Written Recap/Review Round-Up appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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