The post Fans react to Peter Dinklage’s appearance in Avengers: Infinity War appeared first on Winter is Coming.
With filming at Ballintoy having finished without so much as a peep and Itálica still a few days away from hosting any of the cast for the Dragonpit shoot, we turn our attention back to the project that’s taking more than six months to finish: the King’s Landing set. Since production appeared to start, we haven’t heard much (for good reason, we now know), but there’s still progress on set, such as the weapons posted along the city walls.
Titanic Studios has been quiet lately, despite significant movement around the King’s Landing set, on which we reported as recently as a week ago. According to our sources, more recently production has been either very unassuming or non-existent. In other words: the big battle shoot hasn’t begun in earnest yet, or else we would have noticed.
However, that doesn’t mean there are no developments! GOTlikeLocation shows the set is still getting new props, such as more flags (is Cersei compensating for a lack of actual power?) and, posted along the walls, spear racks and arrow-filled ground quivers:
The Red Keep entrance facade now bears vertical banner flags. Photo: GOTlikeLocation
St Blaise’s dome is recreated with a wind vane instead of a cross on top. Photo: GOTlikeLocation
Arrows will have to do for now, as the anti-dragon scorpions we saw being tested are nowhere to be seen. Nevertheless, we still expect them to be mounted on the three wooden platforms built on top of the city gate, which you can see in the first photo.
Additionally, as GOTlikeLocation also reveals, another classic Game of Thrones location may be making a return in season eight: Cairncastle, Northern Ireland. Take a look:
Purple signs in GoT style have appeared near Cairncastle, directing to Linford Barrows car park, in an area where plenty of scenes have been filmed over the years (one of them depicted on the board). I expect no big scenes to be filmed here, probably landscape shots.
— GoTlike Locations (@GoTlikeLocation) April 29, 2018
The green hills of Cairncastle have appeared multiple times in the show, depicting anything and everything, such as the North, for Ned’s execution of the Night’s Watch deserter in the series premiere; the Riverlands, for the scene in which Jaime decides to turn back to Harrenhal and save Brienne in “The Bear and the Maiden Fair”; the hills overlooking the marshes of the Neck, for Sansa’s entrance into the North through Moat Cailin in “High Sparrow”; and the Dothraki Sea, for Dany’s landing after escaping the Harpies’ assassination attempt, only to be captured by the Dothraki, in “Mother’s Mercy.”
Since this location has been used for pretty much anywhere in Westeros (and Essos), it’s difficult to guess what it could be used for this time. Likewise, though Cairncastle has an impressive track record of memorable scenes, we don’t know whether that trend will continue in season eight or if, as suggested in the tweet, it will just be landscape shots.
That’s it for now! Production will heat up once again when the cast arrives in Spain for the Dragonpit scenes and the King’s Landing battle shoot truly begins at Titanic Studios.
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The post WiC Weekly: April 21-27 appeared first on Winter is Coming.
George R. R. Martin just announced on his newly refurbished “Not a Blog” blog that his next book is coming soon… though it may not be the book most people want right now. It’s Fire & Blood, Martin’s first of two volumes on the History of House Targaryen written from the perspective of an Archmaester. But what about The Winds of Winter? Well…
The Fire & Blood hardcover edition is going to be published in the US and the UK on November 30. Some translated editions will arrive simultaneously in other countries, while others will have to wait, depending on the publisher. I’ll let Martin sell it to you:
It’s a hefty book, almost a thousand manuscript pages (okay, 989, if you want to be precise). That’s not quite as long as A GAME OF THRONES or any of the later volumes in A SONG FOR ICE AND FIRE, but there’s a lot of reading there, and I hope you’ll enjoy it. This first volume covers all the Targaryen kings from Aegon I (the Conquerer) to the regency of Aegon III (the Dragonbane), along with their wives, wars, siblings, children, friends, rivals, laws, travels, and sundry other matters. For those not up on your Westerosi history, that’s Aegon I, Aenys, Maegor the Cruel, Jaehaerys I (the Conciliator), Viserys I, Aegon II (and Rhaenyra), and Aegon III (the regency). Oh, and there are dragons too.
Lots of dragons.
Of course, the story doesn’t end with the regents of Aegon III. There is a lot more history to come, and Archmaester Gyldayn will get to all that too, in FIRE & BLOOD, Volume Two. But that one is a few years down the pike. So don’t get impatient. Gyldayn will get to it eventually, but he’s old, and so am I, and we both have other projects to tend to as well. The Citadel puts a lot of demands on an archmaester’s time.
Oh, and I almost forgot the best part: FIRE AND BLOOD will be illustrated throughout. No, it won’t be a huge coffee table book with art on every page, like A WORLD OF ICE & FIRE… but there will be lots of lots of interior artwork. Think more along the lines of the special anniversary edition of A GAME OF THRONES that we did a few years ago, or the gorgeous hardcover of A KNIGHT OF THE SEVEN KINGDOMS, the Dunk & Egg collection. We’ll have more than 75 black & white illustrations by artist Doug Wheatley.
Along with the announcement, Martin let us know that the next book in A Song of Ice and Fire isn’t coming any time soon. In fact, that’s how he chose to open the blog post, presumably to not get people’s hopes up: “No, winter is not coming… not in 2018, at least. You’re going to have to keep waiting for THE WINDS OF WINTER.”
Furthermore, as they may be related to this book on Targaryen history, GRRM mentions the Game of Thrones spin-off projects in development. We don’t know what any of these spin-offs are about, but we know they are all prequels, and that Dunk & Egg and Robert’s Rebellion are ruled out, which points most theorists to certain famous incidents in Targaryen history. Martin is seemingly aware of this, but he isn’t going to slip up:
“Oh, and I should also say… as most of you know, HBO is presently developing a number of different prequels to GAME OF THRONES,” Martin begins. “I know I am going to be asked whether those shows are going to be based on material from FIRE & BLOOD. It’s a logical question. The only answer I can give is… ah, well, no one is sure yet, and anyway, I am not allowed to say. So let’s move that to the side.”
If the “no one is sure yet” comment mystifies you, remember that, though many spin-offs are at some stage of development, according to HBO programming president Casey Bloys only one of them will be produced, at least for a start. If Martin is in the loop and isn’t lying, this may mean HBO hasn’t decided which spin-off to go with yet.
So that’s it! If you’re into fictional histories, today is definitely a good day for you. If you’re still hopeful for Winds to arrive anytime soon, maybe not so much. Personally, by this point I have accepted we’ll have it whenever it’s done, if it’s ever done, and there’s nothing we can do about it, so let’s just be happy with what we’ve got: five enormous tomes of A Song of Ice and Fire, a number of novellas, and now even in-universe histories. And, of course, the final season of Game of Thrones, coming next year!
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Game of Thrones has scooped a hat-trick at this year’s Webby Awards.
The Webbys celebrate excellence on the Internet and are presented annually by The International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences. As reported by Billboard, this year Game of Thrones picked up gongs for Best Trailer, Best Digital Campaign and Best Overall Social Presence. Guess people really enjoyed that melting block of ice on Facebook… riiight?
This is the third year in the row Thrones has picked up the Best Overall Social Presence award, but the first time it’s won for its trailer or digital campaign. Last year it also picked up a Best Unscripted (Branded) award for a featurette on the Battle of the Bastards.
Congratulations to everyone on the digital team! You can check out the full list of winners here.
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The cast of Game of Thrones at Con of Thrones 2017
The best part about Con of Thrones is the people. Not just the celebrity guests from Game of Thrones, but the members of our community who make it all worthwhile: the thinkers, the talkers, the cosplayers, the role-players, and of course, the watchers (on and off the wall). Unfortunately, we can’t fit everyone’s signatures on one poster, so for the latest giveaway, we had to settle for offering up one poster featuring the signatures of guests from Con of Thrones 2018! And now it’s time to announce the lucky winner of our giveaway.
The winner of a Con of Thrones 2018 Poster signed by Game of Thrones special guests is…
via Twitter…
Congratulations, Lonely Cat! Well deserved.
For those who didn’t win, be sure to stop by later this week to enter our next contest, for another prize that anyone can win, even if you aren’t heading to Dallas this year for Con of Thrones!
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HBO has submitted its contenders to be considered for Emmy Awards nominations and, for the first time, Game of Thrones cast members have been put forth as leading actors!
You might remember that Game of Thrones wasn’t up for any Emmys last year because season seven aired in the summertime. But hopefully Game of Thrones will return to the Emmys in 2018 with a vengeance. Gold Derby released the list of actors under consideration for nominations, though there is still time to submit more; HBO will most likely also submit season seven episodes for the writing and directing categories.
The list of nomination contenders is as follows:
Drama Guest Actress – Diana Rigg
Drama Supporting Actress – Lena Headey, Sophie Turner, Maisie Williams
Drama Supporting Actor – Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Peter Dinklage
Drama Actress – Emilia Clarke
Drama Actor – Kit Harington
Most noteworthy, of course, is Harington and Clarke’s upgrade from supporting to leading categories, which makes sense. While Jon and Daenerys have certainly been the leads of their own subplots since season 1 the size of the cast and the sheer number of storylines made it difficult to justify characterizing them as leads of the entire show. But now that the once enormous cast has … eh, thinned and so many of the subplots have been consolidated, Jon and Daenerys really do feel like the two main characters. Fingers crossed they at least receive the nominations in the end!
Are there any other actors you feel could have been justly submitted for leading categories? And are there any actors you wish had been submitted at all? Tell us below.
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Last week it was announced that Game of Thrones would receive a special award at the BAFTA Craft Awards for “the craft behind the making of the critically acclaimed series and their outstanding contribution to revolutionising and pushing the boundaries within the various crafts involved in making all the 67 episodes to date”. As we reported they would, two cast members accepted the award, but an introductory video also features certain former cast members reminiscing about the experience! And that wasn’t it for Game of Thrones: on the ceremony today, season seven specifically won two awards!
Streamed live on Youtube (watch it here!), the ceremony recognized season seven’s marvelous production and costume design, led by Deborah Riley (with set decorator Rob Cameron) and Michele Clapton respectively, with two different Craft awards:
After all the nominees battled to the death for their respective award (that’s how it works, isn’t it?), a final special production award was given to Game of Thrones—to the series as a whole, that is, not just the previous season. Before anyone got on stage, the award was introduced with a wonderful (and wonderfully long) video featuring current and former members of the cast and crew, such as Sean Bean and Michelle Fairley:
Finally, it was time for BAFTA Chair Jane Lush to introduce the award, and for cast members John Bradley and Hannah Murray (Sam and Gilly) to accept it on behalf of everyone in the cast and crew, and instead of showrunners D.B. Weiss and David Benioff, who couldn’t be there as they are extremely busy shooting season eight right now, as you well know if you follow our filming reports. You can see it all here:
Bradley humbly but right points out that “it feels quite strange for any two people to be up here trying to collect this award on behalf of such a vast team.” Every season of Game of Thrones is a massive endeavor, and if you put the whole production together its immensity beggars belief. Even the show’s detractors must admit it’s difficult to choose a TV show that deserves this special production award more than Game of Thrones. Bravo, everyone in the cast and crew, past and present. You deserve it!
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The post WiC Weekly: April 14-20 appeared first on Winter is Coming.
Ahead of being awarded the Bafta TV Craft Special Award this Sunday (to be accepted by John Bradley and Hannah Murray!), Digital Spy caught up with Set Designer Deborah Riley to talk about her team’s proudest moments and their most challenging designs.
In the interview, Riley discusses some of the sets she is most proud of, including the Meereen Audience Chamber from season four, the Hall of Faces from season five and her personal favorite, the Dragonstone Audience Chamber from season seven, which she considers “the strongest and most original space” her team has ever built.
The Hall of Faces in the House of Black and White, in turn, ranks as the most expensive single element in the show, with over 600 prosthetic faces needed: “I remember these being an issue as no-one imagined that we would need the kind of numbers that we did,” she comments. “The budget for them was a massive issue at the time.”
Riley also reveals some of the more unusual influences on her work, including the architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright and his Mayan Revival period of the 1920s, and Thrones’ own Michele Clapton’s dragon scale detailing on Daenerys’ costume.
Finally, she discusses the most random prop the set design team ever had to create, which was of course Joffrey’s fabulous dove pie from the Purple Wedding. Shame that pie was a bit dry! For more about that and everything else, read the full interview here.
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Care to have lunch at the Game of Thrones set in Belfast? Emilia Clarke explains how you could win such an experience in a new video in which she … well, tries to give us a peek at on-set season 8 spoilers. **Warning: incorrigible cuteness below the cut**
As Clarke explains in the video, HBO and Omaze have teamed up to bring one lucky winner and one very lucky friend (oh what an elimination process that’ll be!) to visit the Game of Thrones set and have lunch.
Every donation Omaze receives through the contest will go to support the Royal College of Nursing Foundation, which supports nurses, midwives and health care assistants. So, unlike playing the game of thrones, entering this contest really is a win-win.
You can enter to win at!
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We may be a few months from the end of production, but casting news are still coming in! Harry Strickland (commander of the Golden Company, the mercenary group Cersei now seeks to employ with the help of the Iron Bank’s loan and Euron’s fleet,) may be the only named book character cast for season eight, but there have been many other roles. A strange trend among them is that the casting department seems to be looking for improvisation skills, which is rare for a show as tightly scripted as Game of Thrones. Today’s roles keep this up—though there are well-trodden Thrones-type characters too.
First of all, there are five characters in an improv-heavy scene all about haggling over land. Admittedly, that’s not much to go on, but the need for improvisation skills and the mundane context likely means this isn’t a scene of lyrical, baroque language and high-stakes political drama, but more of a humorous skit with smallfolk characters. Nothing can be ruled out, but no mention is made of anyone in the main cast being involved.
We also bring you three other new characters, who are more defined than the previous roughly sketched out improvisers and fit the Game of Thrones mold to a tee.
The first of these is a strong soldier, for a male actor aged 30-40. The production is looking for a “physically intense performance from a strapping squaddie type.” An imposing presence and actual combat skills are specifically required, so this soldier is not the typical random guard; he’ll be involved in an action scene. Rehearsals begin on April 30 and the shoot will take place in Belfast on the week commencing on May 23.
Then there’s a young village girl who will play a rather typical part in Game of Thrones. Stop me if you’ve heard this before: the girl will be attacked by a man in a physically intense scene for which the actress, aged 18-25, will have to go naked above-the-waist. Though the aforementioned soldier doesn’t sound like this villager’s attacker, their rehearsal and shooting dates are exactly the same, so they must share their one scene.
Finally, there is a clean-shaven grieving man, aged 30-40, who will be involved in a highly emotional scene. They are looking for someone who won’t go over-the-top. The lucky actor will shoot the week commencing on June 18, in Belfast.
While the casting department seeks to cast eight more minor roles for season eight, what the rest of us want is for a year to magically pass so we can finally watch the epic ending to this story. Meanwhile, though, filming and casting news will have to do, so: do you have any theories about the scenes in which these characters will be involved?
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We’re hoping to see you all there in Dallas at Con of Thrones, but whether you’re there or not, you still have a chance to snag some amazing merch from the con! For our latest giveaway, we’re offering up a poster from Con of Thrones 2018! And not just any poster, but one that will be signed by special guests at this year’s con. If you’re our winner and you’re attending Con of Thrones, you’ll have a fabulous souvenir to remember your experience. If you win and you’re not, well… you’ll have a piece of the experience thanks to this very cool prize!
How do I enter? To enter, all you need to do is leave a comment in the website comment section for this post! We’re accepting entries in this worldwide giveaway for the next four days. (See below for more entry methods.)
How do you enter? You can enter in 3 different ways, earning up to 3 total entries!
Method #1: Simply comment on this post!
Method #2: WotW Twitter: Follow our Twitter, WatchersOTWall, and retweet the Con of Thrones Signed Poster tweet (you must do both for the extra entry). If you already follow us, no problem. Simply retweet the contest post.
Method #3: WotW Facebook: Like the WatchersontheWall Facebook page, and Like and Share the Con of Thrones Signed Poster post (you must do both for the extra entry). If you already Like our page, again, no problem. Just share the contest post and you are entered!
Entries are accepted for four days, closing the giveaway for entries on Monday, April 23rd, 2018 at 12 midnight EDT. The winner will be randomly selected and announced on Tuesday.
**The contest is worldwide** One (1) winner will be selected from among entrants by random drawing. The winner must respond within 72 hours of notification or will forfeit their prize and another winner will be selected. Winners may be responsible for local taxes/importing fees. The winner must have a valid shipping address.
Twitter and Facebook are their own entities and are in no way associated with this giveaway.
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We’re getting ready for Con of Thrones 2018 in the best way we know how here at Watchers on the Wall- with giveaways and contests! We want to see as many of you as possible in Dallas, TX from May 25-27, so we’re going to keep this party going by announcing our latest winner, of the Jon Snow White Caption Contest. (And then we have another giveaway of a different flavor kicking off tomorrow!)
The winner of 2 full-weekend tickets to Con of Thrones is…
“Snow, Wights, and the Effin’ Dwarf” is the winning caption, because it made us laugh and good wordplay is its own reward. Congrats, Ginevra!
You’re taking home TWO Full-Weekend Passes to Con of Thrones, with all the perks. The Full-Weekend Pass includes access to the marketplace and the packed slate of Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire programming including daytime panels and nighttime events, a registration swag bag, guaranteed seating in the Great Hall, and more. (See for full details!)
For those who didn’t win, be sure to stop by tomorrow to enter our next contest, for a prize that anyone can win, even if you aren’t heading to Dallas this year for Con of Thrones!
The post The Winner of Two Full-Weekend Passes to Con of Thrones! appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.
It’s comforting to be periodically reminded that the fans aren’t the only ones preparing for the end of Game of Thrones with a mixture of excitement and sadness – the cast and crew are getting pretty emotional about it too. In a recent interview, Nathalie Emmanuel discussed her feelings about the prospect of facing life after Thrones and gave her opinion of people who leak spoilers *tugs nervously at collar*.
“I can’t even think about it, I’m not ready for that conversation,” Emmanuel told when asked how she feels about having to say goodbye to her Game of Thrones co-stars. “I am enjoying the time because I know when it’s over it’s gonna take a minute for it to sink in that I’m not going back to see everyone next year,” she said. However, she describes the experience as “bittersweet” rather than “sad.”
“I’m looking forward to the future,” she said, “looking forward to seeing what my friends on the show are going to be doing. But also it’s been an amazing journey. The fact I was part of it at all is amazing. I will be sad, but it will be with a smile.” When asked about how production for season 8 is coming along, Emmanuel remained (unsurprisingly) tight-lipped: “I can’t say much but it’s going well and as far as I know everyone’s saying it’s going well so that’s good.”
Speaking of not giving away spoilers … Emmanuel has harsh words for people who do:
“It makes me so cross, makes me so angry! Last year we had these hacks happening and people releasing episodes online … It’s rubbish, it’s so upsetting and disrespectful to everyone,” she said.
What do you think about Emmanuel’s stance on spoiler culture? And where do you stand on spoilers yourself? Tell us below.
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This may not be shocking but it’s certainly surprising: Almodóvar del Río Castle in Córdoba, Spain will return in Game of Thrones season eight, which means we will revisit the (formerly) Tyrell stronghold. But what role could Highgarden play in the last season?
Highgarden’s return was reported yesterday by local Cordoban newspaper Cordópolis, and Los Siete Reinos told us they confirmed the veracity of these news independently. Almodóvar del Río reappearing in season eight isn’t the strangest part, however: though we will see the castle, Game of Thrones is not filming there again. Come again?
According to Cordópolis, multiple sources confirmed to them that the production will use leftover footage from the first Almodóvar shoot in 2016 for season seven. This means we won’t see any new scenes shot at Almodóvar del Río. Instead, what we’ll see is probably aerial footage used as establishing shots of the Tyrell castle. If an indoor scene is needed, it could be filmed on an interior set in Belfast, just as it was done for the confrontation between Jaime and Olenna in the last scene of ‘The Queen’s Justice.’
The question that opened the article remains: in which context will Highgarden return? Without new footage, this can’t possibly be a scene as intricate as the previous one, and the main plot likely won’t take us as far south as the Reach ever again, so there are very few circumstances in which I can imagine the show going back to the Tyrell home.
Could this footage be involved in a ‘Winter is here’ montage throughout Westeros? Or as part of an epilogue, with some surviving character ending up in charge of Highgarden? (Sam, please!) Or is it something else entirely? Share your best guesses in the comments!
The post Game of Thrones Season 8 Spoilers: Castle of Fallen House will Return—With a Twist! appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.
On Sept. 14, 1969, David Selby was grand marshal of the “I Am An American Day Parade” in Baltimore, Maryland. It was a huge event: Crowd numbers were estimated to have topped 200,000 for the Sunday parade.
“Thousands of teen-age girls swarmed next to the reviewing stand, where Mr. Selby sat throughout the day, screaming at the top of their lungs,” reported The Baltimore Sun the following day. “One police officer, who helped escort the television performer during the parade, said the youths were ‘behaving themselves’ and had caused little trouble, but another officer attempting to control the crowd indicated the police had some difficulty. ‘Motorcycle escorts don’t mean anything,’ he said, adding ‘They knock over the motorcycles.'”
The newspaper also included the following quote from Selby, taken from a speech he delivered to the crowd: “With all the troubles and problems we have today, I wanted to tell you it’s really not so bad to be an American.”
Continue reading at The Collinsport Historical Society.
Con of Thrones is just a month and a half away and we’re all getting revved up! And what we want most is to see you all there with us. With that in mind, we’ve teamed up with Mischief Management for some contests. Our very first con-contest featured a photo from Con of Thrones 2017, a fan-favorite actor (Miltos Yerolemou, who will be returning to the con in 2018), a ripe opportunity for a fun caption- and the chance to win a pair of day passes!
After days of enjoying your submissions, it’s time to announce the winner!
Now remember, Con of Thrones day passes include access to the marketplace and to a massive array of programming for the day you choose to register, May 25-27. The pass includes access to special nighttime special events and access to purchase autographs and photographs for the day you are registered, as well. Every day of the con is packed with panels, events and opportunities to make new friends in the Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire fandom. So who will be joining us?
The winner is…
Clob won by getting having Miltos get his Bob Ross on, with this delightful caption:
“… and then, without cleaning the brush, we’ll paint a happy little bush here. Lets get crazy and shadow it behind the god of death next to the wonderful boulder…”
If you didn’t win today, never fear, you still have a chance. Our Jon Snow White Caption Contest is open until tomorrow night- enter HERE to win two full-weekend passes!
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The seventh season of Game of Thrones has received many awards in the last months, but today’s news concerns the show as a whole: at this year’s British Academy Television Craft Awards, the Game of Thrones production team will be recognized for its prodigious efforts with a special award. And two cast members will be there to accept it!
BAFTA revealed yesterday that on April 22’s ceremony “the production team from the hugely popular drama series Game of Thrones will be honoured with the BAFTA Special Award.” Cast members John Bradley and Hannah Murray, who play the on-screen couple of Sam and Gilly, will accept this award on behalf of the entire production team.
According to BAFTA, “this Special Award recognises the craft behind the making of the critically acclaimed series and their outstanding contribution to revolutionising and pushing the boundaries within the various crafts involved in making all the 67 episodes to date,” as well as “the support the series has provided for the television industry in the UK.” As you may know, the HBO production has been headquartered in Belfast, Northern Ireland since season one, and films on many locations throughout the country.
Showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss responded enthusiastically to the news: “This award makes us extremely happy on behalf of the people who actually earned it – all our brilliant, talented, hard-working department heads and crew. Many, many people work insanely hard to create any film or television show. They are creators every bit as much as actors, writers, producers or directors, and deserve to be recognised as such.”
As we reported before, the seventh season of Game of Thrones is also nominated in two categories for 2018’s BAFTA Craft Awards. The ceremony will be live streamed on YouTube and Twitter (@BAFTA/ #BAFTATV) for the first time ever.
The post Game of Thrones Production to Receive BAFTA Special Award for Television Craft appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.
The post Emilia Clarke becomes a nursing ambassador, and Game of Thrones cast members star in new trailers appeared first on Winter is Coming.
What do Game of Thrones viewers think of the show’s plot, characters, and themes? This is your chance to help find out! At the link below is a comprehensive survey regarding the first seven seasons of the show. You can take part in the survey whether or not you’ve read the A Song of Ice and Fire books. It’s structured so that you can spend 15 minutes on it, or quite a bit longer- choose your own adventure!
The survey will be open for two weeks, until Sunday April 29th at midnight EST. The results will be presented and analyzed at Con of Thrones on Sunday, May 27th at a panel called “Surveying the Realm.” The results will also be posted here at Watchers on the Wall not long after!
In another internet life, I did something like this regarding a different TV show. Special thanks to Sue the Fury for remembering that and encouraging this project, as well as to Petra for reviewing an early draft and adding a couple questions, and Patrick Sponaugle for reading through the episode and season synopses that are included. A few other WotW staff test-drove the survey as well.
Oh, and this is important: Please DO NOT DISCUSS the survey in detail in the comments. If someone reads such comments and then does the survey, it could inadvertently affect their answers and make the results less accurate.
Thank you all, and have fun!
The post Surveying the Realm: Take Part in This Major Survey of Game of Thrones Fans! appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.