Friday, April 6, 2018

Joe Dempsie on Gendry’s Season 8 Journey and the End of Game of Thrones

Davos Gendry Eastwatch

Joe Dempsie (Gendry), as with all cast members, has been fairly tight-lipped on the future of Game of Thrones, while teasing bits of what’s to (or might) come. For a character whose role steadily increased for the first three seasons, only to disappear for the next three and a half, his popularity with the fandom has seemingly never waned. In an interview with Metro, Dempsie speaks pretty bluntly:

“It almost got to the point where I would define the success, or otherwise, of my year by what else I’d done work-wise outside Game Of Thrones. I’d almost forget that I’d done it…When I reflect on Gendry’s journey through the series I’m increasingly pleased with the way it’s gone on a personal level.”

He also teased some interesting tidbits about the show’s entire conclusion…

Apparently Dempsie is an avid reader of the Internet, noting that there is a specific fan theory about his character. I am not one for Internet theorizing, so apologies to all you theory-mongers out there, but I’d assume that he’s referring to his own claim to the Iron Throne, and the speculation that he might end up on the chair himself. However, he thinks that that would be rather anticlimactic, and that the actual ending will be stronger:

“I’m sure David [Benioff] and Dan [Weiss] don’t pay too much attention to people’s theories and speculation there is all over the internet, but it would be a bit of an anti-climax if a well popularised theory turned out to be the way it ended. There’s many pitfalls and I think they really have achieved that with this. It’s an ending I don’t think many people will be expecting and I think, on reflection, people will really, really enjoy.”

As a person who absolutely loved the finale to LOST despite widespread opposition from the Internet at large (sorry, Lindelof/Cuse), I can’t wait to see what David and Dan have in store for us.

While we’re at it, what are everyone’s thoughts on the final season only having 6 (albeit potentially enlarged) episodes? I am of the mindset that I trust the creators, although I see no need for rushing things. I’d personally rather 10 hour-long episodes than 6 super-long episodes that overstay their welcome. Dempsie takes a pretty centrist view:

“You can either tell it really well and in a really exciting way over six episodes or if you really wanted we could pad it out over ten and it wouldn’t be anywhere near as good. So I think quality trumps quantity, and I hope that’s what ends up being the case.”

Maybe you’ll get a chance to dive into Dempsie’s psyche and pick his brain about season 8 at the upcoming Con of Thrones, for which he was recently announced! See you there!

The post Joe Dempsie on Gendry’s Season 8 Journey and the End of Game of Thrones appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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