Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Inaugural ComicPro “Nuts and Bolts” Conference to be Held in Baltimore

Retailers to meet in Baltimore, the day before Baltimore Comic-Con

ComicsPro ComicsPRO, the comics specialty retailer trade association, has announced that registration is now open for the Comic Industry One-Day Conference. Being held on September 27th, 2018 at the Baltimore Convention Center, this conference will feature a series of 1-hour presentations to help retailers improve their businesses.


“This is the fist one-day conference we’ve organized,” said Peter Dolan, President of ComicsPRO. “It will hopefully be the first in a series of fall conferences – each focused on ‘nuts-and-bolts’ presentations/workshops.”
This year’s presentations will be announced in the next two weeks.

They may include:

  • Working with schools
  • Free Comic Book Day
  • Local Comic Shop Day
  • Social media class
  • Working with universities and libraries
  • Human resources
  • Diversifying product mix
  • Building a kids section and customer base
  • How to profitably sell back issues

Every retailer attending the Comic Industry One Day Conference will be presented with a gift bag that will include a copy of the 2018 Baltimore Comic-Con VIP Yearbook (Strangers in Paradise) and various other giveaways from Diamond and major publishers. Attending retailers will also receive free attendance to the Baltimore Comic-Con.

“We are super happy and excited that the Comic Industry One-Day Conference is the day before Baltimore Comic-Con,” said Marco Davanzo, Executive Director of ComicsPRO. “Baltimore Comic-Con is one of the best in the business. Fans and vendors love it.”
If you’d like to register for the conference, please visit www.comicspro.org/2018baltimoreoneday.

The Cost for registration is $19 for ComicsPRO members, $29 for non-member storefront retailers. Publishers, distributors, and other interested comics professionals are also invited to attend.

If you’d like to sponsor this conference, please contact Marco Davanzo at marco@comicspro.org.

The ComicsPRO Comic Industry Conference and Annual Membership Meeting is the only annual retailer-driven event in the industry, often cited as the most important business-focused event of the year.

ComicsPRO is a non-profit trade association dedicated to the health and progress of direct market comic book retailers. ComicsPRO allows retailers to speak with a unified voice on important industry issues, provides educational and mentoring opportunities to current and future retailers, and provides ways for members to reduce fixed costs.

from Baltimore Comic-Con http://baltimorecomiccon.com/2018/09/inaugural-comicpro-nuts-and-bolts-conference-to-be-held-in-baltimore/

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