Monday, April 8, 2019

Emilia Clarke reveals how Dany saved her; discusses relationship with Jon, toxic fan reactions to Game of Thrones Season 8

Daenerys Targaryen Winterfell Season 8

We’re less than a week away from the final Game of Thrones season premiere ever, and Emilia Clarke remains busy with press appearances, revealing how playing Daenerys Targaryen saved her during her darkest moments, discussing Dany’s relationship with Jon, dreading the fights that may break out among friends after the ending, and more.

When CBS Sunday Morning asks about the possibility that Daenerys, as crucial as she is, could die this season, Clarke replies: “This is the incredible writing [and] storytelling on the show. In that way life can be shocking, and frightening, and confusing, the show doesn’t shy away from that for the sake of storytelling—it embraces that.”

“It’s almost impossible to [say what my reaction was to reading Dany’s final moments in the show without spoiling anything],” she teases. “I have so much to say about that!”

She also expounds on the hemorrhagic strokes she suffered during filming, about which she recently opened up, and explains how playing Dany helped her through this ordeal:

“I definitely went through a period of being ‘down,’ putting it mildly,” Clarke admits with a sad smile. “You go on set, and you play a badass, and you walk through fire, and that became the thing that saved me from considering my own mortality.”

“There’s been so much life that I’ve lived in the ten years that I’ve been working on this show,” she contemplates. “So you’re saying goodbye to so much more than just a character. I’m saying goodbye to my twenties. It feels as exciting as it does sad.”

17. Season 8 Trailer Crypts Winterfell Daenerys Targaryen Jon Snow 2

Meanwhile, at BANG Showbiz, via MSN, Clarke talks about Dany’s relationship with Jon:

“It’s the most contemporary relationship she’s had in the show,” she says. “They’re incredibly similar, they have so much that binds them. He brings out an honesty in her that she hasn’t experienced. So I think that’s an interesting relationship.”

“You want everyone to be happy. But in the final season of any show, there’s going to be upset people, there’s going to be fights within friendship groups, there’s going to be, ‘Who’s side are you on?'”, the actress warns.

Despite her trepidations about the fandom’s reactions to the ending (please, let’s pleasently surprise her: act civilly, whether you love it or hate it), Emilia is ready for the end, not only personally but also in terms of not stretching out the story until it breaks:

“I’m a big fan of TV shows finishing when you’re still ready for more,” she says. “If the series goes on too long, you’re doing a disservice to both the characters and also to the writing. It’s important to have that want for more to still be there.”

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