Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Maisie Williams says beautiful things about Sophie Turner and “accidentally spoils” Season 8 on The Tonight Show

Game of Thrones Season 8 Arya Surprise Dragon

As a guest at yesterday’s The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Maisie Williams had some truly delightful things to say about her best friend and castmate Sophie Turner. She then took a trip down memory lane, from her early days as Arya Stark to blood-covered, pizza-fueled adulthood. Oh, and she also “spoiled” her character’s fate. Oops!

“My first day on Game of Thrones,” Williams reminisces, looking at a photo that Fallon shows of little Maisie that the actress herself once shared on Instagram. “It is really crazy looking at a photo like that, because, to me, you live your life and then it’s not really until you look back to ten years ago and you realize ‘everyone’s seen me grow up.'”

Williams also shares her first experience working adult hours without supervision, which happened to be the assassination of Ser Meryn Trant in season five: “I was sixteen, I was alone, I just left school… and they said ‘we’re gonna have to do some overtime.’ For me, that was the first time I was ever doing that, so it was really, really exciting. So, when they do overtime, they bring in pizza,” she excitedly explains. “And I come out, I have this dagger in my hand, a nightie on, and I’m covered in blood, having just stabbed this guy in both of his eyes, and… I walk out, I grab a slice of pizza, and I remember thinking: ‘This is my life… I’m so glad I left school.'” Laughter ensues!

“Miss Sophie Turner. My best friend, indeed,” she says of her co-star, with whom she’s shared this whole Game of Thrones journey. “It’s been so nice having someone of a similar age—and gender—to go through this crazy life together, because it is really strange growing up in front of the public. To have someone in the darkest times that you can call, that knows exactly what you’re going through… just keeps you sane.”

As for Williams “accidentally spoiling season eight,” well, you’d better watch the video, because there’s very little which a transcription or description could improve upon:

Now, that was fun, wasn’t it? And a little terrifying, if you forgot what day yesterday was and bought into it. But don’t fear: Arya will be with us well past episode two… at least up to episode three! Look, she’ll probably be just fine, at least until the finale. Possibly.

The post Maisie Williams says beautiful things about Sophie Turner and “accidentally spoils” Season 8 on The Tonight Show appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.

Via http://watchersonthewall.com

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