Sunday, December 3, 2017

Watchers on the Wall Awards: Best Dramatic Scene of Season 7

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Dozens were nominated but only five survived our competitive first round of voting for Best Dramatic Scene at the Watchers on the Wall Awards! A mere handful of votes separated some of the nominees, with major and beloved scenes missing the cut by just a hair. But this category celebrates the very best of the entire season of Game of Thrones, and the competition is fierce. Now it’s time to choose our final winner, out of the five scenes that topped them all in round 1! Did your favorites make it in? Let’s find out!

The final nominees for Best Dramatic Scene are:

On the field of fire, Jaime charges Daenerys and Drogon

Olenna Tyrell accepts her fate and sends Cersei a message on her way out of the world

Winter comes for House Frey (with a little help from Arya)

Dany’s dragons arrive and scorch the wight army until the Night King takes Viserion down

Cersei delivers her revenge on Ellaria and Tyene Sand in the dungeons

The complete results from round 1 voting in this category can be viewed here!

Final round rules: Cast your vote for the winner in our Best Dramatic Scene poll. In the finals, unlike the preliminaries, fans have one vote to cast in each category. At the end of 72 hours (Wednesday 12/6/17 at 8PM ET), the scene with the most votes will be the winner! The results of the poll will be revealed during the live Watchers on the Wall Awards ceremony- specific date to be announced in the near future!

The post Watchers on the Wall Awards: Best Dramatic Scene of Season 7 appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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