Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Night’s Cast Episode 26: Summer School at the Citadel, Part 1

John Bradley as Samwell Tarly. Photo: HBO

John Bradley as Samwell Tarly. Photo: HBO

Feeling a little lost with all the prequel talk of “the Age of Heroes” and other Westeros history? Have no idea who Lann the Clever is? Why does that Stark sigil we glimpsed from the set look different? Not to worry — school is in session!

The Night’s Cast, the official podcast of Watchers on the Wall, is your visiting maester for a couple of episodes we’re calling Summer School at the Citadel, in which we dive into any and all Westeros (and some Essos) history that might be relevant to the upcoming spinoff. This week, join Vanessa, Petra and Samantha for lesson number one on the Dawn Age, early Starks and more.

The podcast is available on iTunes and SoundCloud, and you can follow us on Twitter as well. Happy listening!

The post The Night’s Cast Episode 26: Summer School at the Citadel, Part 1 appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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