Sunday, August 18, 2019

Watchers on the Wall Awards Season 8: Best Death Scene – Preliminary Round


After a lengthy break between awards sessions, thanks to that Long Night between seasons, we’re thrilled to welcome everyone back to the Watchers on the Wall Awards! It’s time to kick off our awards preliminaries, Game of Thrones fans. As always, you the readers suggest the nominees for every category; we gather them up and knock ’em down with a couple rounds of polling, until we find the best of the best!

What do we say to the god of death? We say…good job! The final season of Game of Thrones was bloodthirsty, sending countless faves packing, so let’s start off our voting this year with a category sure to inspire some fun discussion: Best Death Scene.  Choose your five favorites from the preliminary poll!

That’s right, five! Our preliminary round rules: Select up to FIVE nominees from the poll. You can choose fewer if you like, but you can’t choose more than 5. (Visit the initial WotW Awards post for a complete explanation of the rules and process.)

At the end of one week (Saturday 08/25/19 at 4PM Eastern Time), whichever five death scenes have the most votes will continue on to the finals. The results of the poll will be revealed when it’s time to choose the winner of Best Death Scene in a few weeks.

As always, these preliminary nominees came from Watchers on the Wall readers, and the winners lay entirely in your hands. Have fun, and thank you all for nominating and voting!

The post Watchers on the Wall Awards Season 8: Best Death Scene – Preliminary Round appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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