Sunday, November 3, 2019

Watchers on the Wall Awards: Best Death Scene of Season 8

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It was inevitable that the final season of Game of Thrones would force us to say farewell to many of our favorite characters. Season 8 made good on that unspoken promise by cutting down people left and right, from the first episode of the season (poor Umber kid, he never had a chance) to the last of the series (oh, Dany). After years of speculation, reception of the deaths was varied but always passionate. After the first round with such a bounty of choices for prelims voting, we’ve narrowed it down to the top five death scenes of season 8. Now it’s up to you all to choose the Best Death Scene of Season 8.

The final nominees are:

Jorah Mormont dies protecting his khaleesi in battle:

Lyanna Mormont dies after killing a wight giant with her last breath:

Melisandre walks out of Winterfell at dawn and gives up her life:

The Night King falls to Arya’s blade and shatters:

Theon defends Bran to the very end, in the godswood:

That’s right- all the nominees are from episode 3, “The Long Night,” directed by Miguel Sapochnik!

The complete results from round 1 voting in this category can be viewed here.

Final round rules: Cast your vote for the winner in our Best Death Scene poll. In the finals, unlike the preliminaries, fans have one vote to cast. At the end of one week (Sunday 11/10/19 at 12PM ET), the scene with the most votes will be the winner! The results of the poll will be revealed during the live Watchers on the Wall Awards ceremony- specific date to be announced in the near future!

The post Watchers on the Wall Awards: Best Death Scene of Season 8 appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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