We always knew that Jon Snow and his rag-tag army of misfit Northern Houses were underdogs in this fight. They were outgunned, outmanned, outnumbered, and outplanned. But they gotta make a stand.
Sansa may not be the savviest of tacticians when it comes to the art of war. She just wanted this fight to happen, and more importantly, she wanted to win. Winning was paramount. And though Jon insisted there wasn’t time to keep gathering the troops (after all, there are only ten episodes and the battle was scheduled for this one!) Sansa knew Ramsay, and she knew that if they didn’t get some sort of last-minute help, they were all food for the kennels.
The dog days are spoilers
The dog days are done
The horses are coming
So you better run

I will do what queens do: I will Spoil.
Two weeks ago, we saw Sansa write a desperate letter to *someone* begging for help. Thanks to Reddit, we have a good idea of what that letter said:
You promised to protect me. Now you have a chance to fulfill your promise. The Knights of the Vale are under your command. Ride north for Winterfell. Lend us your aid and I shall see to it that you are rewarded.
And now, in their hour of need, just as all hope was lost, Littlefinger and his Knights of the Vale arrived, not all that unlike Gandalf arriving over the ridge at sunrise to turn the tide of the Battle of Helm’s Deep in another popular fantasy series.
Perhaps it’s cliche, but what are you going to do? And who knew anyone would cheer on Littlefinger showing up… ever? And yet….. Sansa really did save the day with that letter, though I’m sure Littlefinger will be happy to take the credit.
Let’s hope next week she puts a stop to whatever he thinks he’ll be getting for this.
Via http://winteriscoming.net/2016/06/19/littlefinger-saves-sansa-and-jon-video/
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