Wednesday, June 8, 2016

The Broken Tweets

Game of Thrones, episode 607 + Twitter = happiness. Except, well…

A man can try to be witty, but a man isn’t Axey.


When Axes run away from the Wall to go play at Mole’s Town (no, he didn’t abandon his post – he’s just strolling about for a while and should be back… eventually), us lesser mortals must try to step in as best as we can.

And I do mean “us”: ShellisandreSepton Danibald, and Sue were more than nice (and brave!) enough to volunteer to help sort through and collect all of the fandom’s many weird, funny, weird, insightful, and weird tweets. (Yes, that’s right – it takes four people to replace one Axey!)

So, without further ado, here are the tweets for “The Broken Man,” the seventh episode of Thrones‘s sixth season. Please be gentle – it’s my first time.

(Pssst. The slideshow’s right here, if that’s more your thing.)

The post The Broken Tweets appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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