Friday, June 10, 2016

The WiC Scale: Winners and Losers from “The Broken Man”

If it’s Friday, it must be time for the WiC Scale! Once again, it’s time for our weekly score of who’s up, who’s down, and who’s out in Game of Thrones.

This is another short Scale, since “The Broken Man” focused on only a few storylines, leaving the rest in a holding pattern offscreen. Those who sat out this round once again included the entire Meereen contingent and those at the Wall. We also skipped over Dany completely. And once again, we were Dorne free, which takes us to six weeks running without Sand Snakes.

So of those who did find their pieces moving around the board, who did well?


The Hound Official

The High Sparrow: He’s got the whole court/in his hands/he’s got the whole of King’s Landing/in his hands/he’s got the playacting Queen Margaery/in his hands/he’s got the whole court in his hands…

Lyanna Mormont: Jorah’s backing the wrong Lady. If this kid had three dragons, the show would have been over years ago.

Theon and Yara: They’re bonding again, and about to go to Dany and say “You have our ships.”

The Hound: “AND MY AXE.”… oh wait, wrong fantasy series.



Margaery: She’s got nice clothes, a wash and a crown. She also has no privacy and not a second to break character. And she has to go back to sleeping with a teenager.

Olenna: The good news is she figured out her granddaughter’s not brainwashed. The bad news is she’s gotta hightail it out of King’s Landing so she’s not next in a cell.

The Blackfish: So his castle’s under siege. Could be worse. He could have been in the Red Wedding Party.

The Wildings: They committed to Jon Snow. The bad news is they’re too dumb to figure out how to get out of it now that they’ve committed.

Jon Snow and Co: Sansa’s rosy predictions did not come true, and they’re going to war with the army they have, not the one they wish they had. But maybe Sansa’s still got an ace up her sleeve?


Arya and the Waif

Cersei: Her last faux ally just told her the smartest thing she could do was get out of King’s Landing, and she was too dumb to listen.

Jaime: It’s not easy finding yourself reduced to pawn status. It’s even worse when your opponent recognizes you as such.

The Freys: They’ve just been taken charge of by a pawn. Is there a step lower than pawn? Dirt, maybe?

Arya: Seems shocked to discover her actions had consequences. Maybe she’s more like her enemies than she realizes.


Ian McShane as Ray Official

Septon Ray and his Merry Men: Sadly, only one episode of their adventures in Sherwood forest. The only good news is their passing means the Hound has Reentered The Game.


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