Monday, June 13, 2016

Trailer for Game of Thrones Episode 609: “Battle of the Bastards”

HBO has put out the trailer for next week’s episode of Game of Thrones. By the looks of it, this will join “Blackwater” and “The Watchers on the Wall” as an episode that will stay in one place the entire time.

If you haven’t seen “No One” yet, or have but don’t want to know what’s coming next…well, actually, since neither Jon Snow nor anyone else in the North appeared in “No One,” I suppose that doesn’t much matter. But you should cease reading if you’re spoiler-phobic!

As of this writing, there is still no official press release for next week’s episode, so we don’t have a synopsis. HBO used to get pretty press release-happy around mid-afternoon the Monday after episodes aired, so perhaps we’ll have one by the time we post my usual full scale breakdown of the trailer at 6pm EST tomorrow. But as a reminder, the one for last week didn’t come out until Tuesday morning, so we very well may not. Either way, knowing how succinct yet vague HBO’s synopses usually are, we’re banking on it being a single sentence along the lines of “Jon and Ramsay fight.”

If we’re going to visit locations besides Winterfell in “Battle of the Bastards,” the trailer certainly does not give that away. All of our footage centers around the upcoming brawl, including:

  • Jon and Ramsay riding to take their places at the head of the battle.
  • Sansa freaking out badly that everyone around her keeps underestimating what a freakshow Ramsay is.
  • Davos finding what looks to be the remains of Shireen’s pyre.
  • Jon Snow instructing Melisandre not to bring him back a second time if he dies. (Thereby ensuring that the audience will bank of an underdog Stark win, since killing Jon Snow at the end of two seasons back to back seems redundant.)
  • LOTS of shots showing how enormous this battle scene was to film.


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