(HBO; Jonathan Olley/© Lucasfilm LFL 2016 via EW)
As we near the end of 2016, organizations are starting to put together their lists of top things for the year. Twitter is one of them. According to the company’s year-end stats, Game of Thrones was the top trending television show over the past 12 months.
Game of Thrones topped both AMC’s The Walking Dead and ABC’s Grey’s Anatomy to nab to the #1 spot.
Top Trending TV Shows
- #GameOfThrones
- #TheWalkingDead
- #GreysAnatomy
- #DescendantsOfTheSun
- #MasterChefbr (MasterChef Brasil)
- #OITNB (Orange is the New Black)
- #StrangerThings
- #Empire
- #TheVoice
- #Bbb16 (Big Brother Brasil)

Cersei celebrates.
For contrast’s sake, Star Wars topped the list of most trending movies. It had to contend with a…wait, what does one call a group of superheroes? A gaggle? Anyway, Star Wars was pushed through by the success of The Force Awakens, which carried it past Suicide Squad, Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, Deadpool and Captain America: Civil War.
Top Trending Movies
- #StarWars
- #SuicideSquad
- #Deadpool
- #HarryPotter
- #Batmanvsuperman (Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice)
- #CaptainAmericaCivilWar
- #FindingDory
- #TheRevenant
- #Zootopia
- #Ghostbusters
Continuing with lists, Emilia Clarke (Daenerys Targaryen) got the second-place spot on IMDB’s Top Stars of 2016 roundup for the second year in a row.
Emilia Clarke returns to the No. 2 spot on IMDb’s Top 10 Stars list, doubtless lifted by the durable popularity of the hit HBO fantasy drama. In Season 6, her character Daenerys found new strength in addition to taking destiny into her own hands with the help of some fire.
Her work in the low-key sleeper hit Me Before You probably helped as well. Suicide Squad’s Margot Robbie got the top spot.
Of note, Star Wars: The Force Awakens star Daisy Ridley also landed on IMDB’s list in the number eight slot. Interestingly enough, Emilia Clarke will be joining that galaxy far, far away soon enough, when she becomes part of an upcoming Han Solo standalone film, alongside stars Alden Ehrenreich (Han Solo), and Donald Glover (Lando Calrissian).
Via http://winteriscoming.net/2016/12/07/game-of-thrones-and-star-wars-top-twitters-trending-list-for-2016/
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