Wednesday, December 7, 2016

New Details About Conor McGregor’s Role on Game of Thrones!

Pilou Asbaek as Euron Greyjoy in Game of Thrones season 6

Earlier this week, casting news of the strangest kind broke. Reports claim that well-known mixed martial artist Conor McGregor will be joining the cast of Game of Thrones for season 7.  It seemed a little dubious but Belfast Live was confident of their source, saying that “one of the GoT directors is a huge UFC fan” and thus had offered McGregor a part on the show.

Today, we unexpectedly received more news of the casting: one from our sources, and the other from McGregor’s boss. Ultimate Fighting Championship president Dana White appeared on Fox Sports Live, and TMZ picked up on a remark of White’s concerning McGregor and GoT.

“I knew that a few months ago that they were interested in putting him in the show,” White says in the interview, adding “And I’m glad he did it. It’ll be great.”

In addition to White’s confirmation, we’ve also received more info about McGregor’s specific role on the show.

A WotW source tells us that Conor McGregor will be playing a pirate belonging to Euron Greyjoy’s crew, on the ship Silence. The part is a fairly small one, a cameo, so fans who are worried about his acting ability, don’t sweat it. There is no speaking involved with this part, and it’s definitely a short-term gig.

The post New Details About Conor McGregor’s Role on Game of Thrones! appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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