Saturday, December 3, 2016

Watchers on the Wall team announces new website expansion!


For the past two and a half years, the team at Watchers on the Wall, led by the relentless Sue the Fury, has worked tirelessly to bring you the most reliable and honest information surrounding our fanatical obsession with Game of Thrones. Our goal from the beginning has been clear: to put the fans’ interests and trust above all else and to conduct ourselves with professionalism and integrity in our operation at Watchers on the Wall.

Our steadfastness to this mission has helped WotW become the most credible and trusted name in the GoT fandom, an honor that all of us here take very seriously. But it is you, our loyal readers, that have propelled this site to heights that we thought might be attainable yet unlikely given the current onslaught of information available throughout the interwebs. At the end of the day, we built this site for you and you have responded to our core values: Fans first. Quality over quantity. No exceptions.

In order to take on the challenge of maintaining this level of integrity to another property, the WotW team agreed that whatever the subject may be, it had to be something that we were all truly passionate about and carried a level of suspense combined with intelligence that could sustain a dedicated site. And we feel like HBO’s new adaptation of Westworld deserves its own platform.

So, without further adieu, allow me to introduce you to our Watchers dedicated site to Westworld!

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Welcome to!

WestworldWatchers will be dedicated to breaking news, casting news, commentary and speculation surrounding Westworld just as we will continue to do at WatchersontheWall for Game of Thrones.

15135946_343966609292691_4945996477156039422_nThe WW site build is a more streamlined modern look designed to give you a refreshing reader experience while maintaining the functionality you have grown to expect at WotW.

The team has entrusted a name that you will recognize in Marc N. Kleinhenz at its Editor-in-Chief! Marc has become as passionate about Westworld as he is for Game of Thrones. He is a proven leader as well as a fantastic writer that understands the importance of integrity in reporting and will do a great job as EiC. Head over to Westworld Watchers to enjoy his salutations when you have a moment.

Screen Shot 2016-12-03 at 8.43.14 AMTiming: Yes, we are aware that in only a few hours, the season finale of Westworld Season 1 will take place. However, considering the complexity of the story combined with the perplexing characters involved, we feel that there is plenty to report and discuss to keep you engaged until Season 2 rolls around. We will go back and recap and dissect the Season 1 episodes just as we do here. We will discuss and analyze the characters and their development. We will break down the ratings and roundup interviews and reviews. And of course, you will get the best off-season filming and casting news that you have grown to expect from our team.

In the meantime, we have put together a handful of articles to get you started. So what are you waiting for?

What can you do to help?

Visit the new site, bookmark it and visit it often!

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And most importantly, tell your Westworld-loving friends and family about us and let them know we are here!

On behalf of our team, we sincerely thank you for helping us make your sites successful. We are dedicated to providing great coverage from Westeros to Delos and hope you will continue to make Watchers your first choice in the fandom.

Raise a cup Ladies and Sers, and may there always be peace in your realm. -Oz

Oz on Twitter

The post Watchers on the Wall team announces new website expansion! appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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