Monday, August 7, 2017

HBO Hackers Take It To the Next Level and Get More Dramatic

Macall B. Polay - HBO (Photo 8)

If Game of Thrones fans thought we were in the clear when it came to the hacking now that “The Spoils of War” has aired, think again.

The Hollywood Reporter revealed today the hackers responsible for the recent major breach of HBO contacted the outlet by email, and provided proof that they’d successfully hacked the network, and weren’t done causing trouble. As THR describes it, they were given “a publicly accessible link to a cache of internal documents, including a script summary of an upcoming Game of Thrones episode and a month’s worth of emails from the inbox of one of the company’s executives.” The content included nine files with items marked “Script GOT7,” and “Confidential,” with this folder containing info about scripts, casting and more. THR reports that the confidential files included a “detailed summary” of next week’s new episode of Game of Thrones.

And what do these hackers expect to achieve with their shenanigans? It’s your basic shakedown.

The hackers provided demands in a letter to HBO CEO Richard Plepler. (And I have to give the hackers credit for their dramatic flair with their letter. Go big or go home, I suppose.) The email contact is apparently in scroll-form, and “set to ominous music” per THR, as they lay out their financial demands. The precise amount was not published, but we can imagine it was probably a very large sum.

As always HBO assures everyone they’re on the case but with the content already in the wild, I don’t feel terribly reassured, to be honest.

The post HBO Hackers Take It To the Next Level and Get More Dramatic appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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