Wednesday, August 2, 2017

New Photos from Game of Thrones Season 7, Episode 4: “The Spoils of War”

Daenerys Missandei Spoils of War

HBO has officially released a big batch of photos from the new episode of Game of Thrones, the fourth of the seventh season. The episode will be titled “The Spoils of War,” but will it be literal or figurative? Let’s have a look!

The photos reveal a few spoilers when it comes to Dragonstone. We can see that Jon and Davos are still moving freely on the island, and appear to be part of Dany’s group standing on the beach looking at something.

Daenerys Missandei Spoils of War 2

Daenerys Jon Varys Missandei Tyrion Spoils of War

The next two photos reveal who is arriving ashore and who Dany’s group is most likely looking at- it’s the Ironmen, with Theon! He’s survived his journey back to Dragonstone intact (more or less). But will they welcome him happily?

Theon Harrag Ironmen Spoils of War

Not only is this a return to Daenerys’ fold for Theon, this should make for an intense reunion for him and Jon Snow. The two haven’t seen one another for years- and that was before Theon made people believe he killed Jon’s two younger brothers and took Winterfell.

Theon Spoils of War

In King’s Landing, Cersei is showing off her beautiful new map to Tycho Nestoris (guest star Mark Gatiss) of the Iron Bank. She told the banker that she has a plan to pay him back. I’m guessing she’s not just bragging about the decor- she’s letting him know her payment plan, and it just might involve the episode title.

Tycho Cersei Spoils of War

Last week we saw him in Highgarden. In the new episode, we see Jaime is still on the road with Bronn and in armor, so he’s probably traveling back from Highgarden. What are they seeing? Whatever it is, it’s not good.

Jaime Bronn Spoils of War

At Winterfell, Littlefinger lurks, overlooking the courtyard, his favorite place of late.

Littlefinger Spoils of War

And here we see Brienne of Tarth and Podrick Payne down in the courtyard. Is Littlefinger gazing down at them or is that a misdirect? It’s snowing in both images, increasing the likelihood of these being from the same scene.

Podrick Brienne Spoils of War

It doesn’t seem to be snowing in the godswood though, where Sansa stands, looking at something. Is she back with Bran again? Last week they had a terrible moment in the godswood just after their reunion; I’d hate to see that become a weekly thing.

Sansa Stark Spoils of War

What are you all looking forward to in the new episode?

The post New Photos from Game of Thrones Season 7, Episode 4: “The Spoils of War” appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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