Monday, August 14, 2017

Unsullied Recap, Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 5: Eastwatch

Drogon Jon

Spoiler note: The discussion in this post is primarily for non-book readers (book fans can discuss the show-only here). We ask that all Sullied book-readers refrain from posting any mentions/references to the books in the comments here, veiled or otherwise. No spoilers, at all! This show is best viewed without knowing all the surprises beforehand or afterwards, so please be respectful of your fellow fans. Thank you!

There are times in your life when you take moments to reflect on the past, the decisions you’ve made, where you currently stand, experiences you’ve had, etc.

Eastwatch made me ponder my experiences as it relates to entertainment.  This show has ruined me. If there is anything that ever engages me more than Game of Thrones, it is something that at this moment, my mind simply cannot comprehend.

Eastwatch gave us possibly the best buildup to the upcoming war that could have ever been asked for. Join me, for we are witnessing something historic. Winter is here, and the Game is on…

Jaime Bronn Eastwatch

Armored Swimming and Miraculous Healing

If there were issues with the episode and the overall continuity of the show, it arguably took place within the first ten minutes. So, let’s get the negative out of the way first…

Jaime and Bronn end up across the pond (“river”) conveniently a safe distance away from Dany and Drogon to lay on the shore and discuss the events of the conclusion of the last episode. The most important dialogue may have been Bronn’s recognition that Jaime telling Cersei of the dangers involved was the equivalent to Jaime jumping back in the water… useless. Yet, Cersei seems to realize the Lannister disadvantage later on.

I won’t harp on the location where episode 4 ended and where 5 began, although it would be justifiable to do so.

But my biggest issue was that Drogon seems entirely unfazed by his injury, to the point that it didn’t even happen. Not only does he appear to be unhurt, but he easily flies back to Dragonstone.  We’ll come back to this in a minute.

Dickon Randyll Tarly Eastwatch

Toasted Tarlys

Dany brings what’s left of the Lannister army to a pretty epic scene depicting Drogon sitting on a hill, essentially intimidating the hell of out of anyone not willing to bend the knee. As expected, most of them do. But Randyll and Dickon stand their ground and refuse. Tyrion wisely urges Dany not to kill them, but she does anyway much to the chagrin of the Hand of the Queen.

As much emphasis as was placed on this scene, this is a decision that may come back to haunt Dany in the long-term. The Tarlys are obviously a very well-respected family in the Seven Kingdoms. It reminded me of Robb’s decision to execute Karstark… the statement was made, but at what cost?

Jaime rushes back to the KL to inform Cersei of what he has witnessed. Cersei recommends hiring mercenaries but Jaime insists that this is not a war that they can win, considering the Dothraki and three dragons. My thoughts are that the intent was to show that not even the scorpion can bring down a dragon, thus the lack of severity shown regarding the injury to Drogon. Otherwise, Cersei probably doesn’t agree to the Dany meeting later on… she just builds more scorpions.

Jaime then reveals that Olenna killed Joffrey. At first Cersei refuses to accept it, but Jaime convinces her and she commits to keep fighting regardless of the odds.

Drogon closeup Eastwatch

Jon and Drogon

Out of all the epic scenes in this episode, this may have been the strongest.  Dany arrives at Dragonstone and Drogon gets up close and personal with Jon displaying an obvious connection.  This scene was beautifully shot and executed, and Dany takes notice.

Daenerys Jorah Eastwatch

Dany inquires about the “knife to the heart,” but is interrupted by the entrance of THE MAN.  Jorah returns and Dany accepts him back into her service.

A Night King Sighting

Ravens fly as Bran wargs to get a better view of what is happening beyond the Wall.  He sees the Night King and the ridiculously huge army of the dead near Eastwatch. In response, Bran sends ravens across Westeros to warn them all, including Jon and Sam.

As Ebrose meets with the Maester council, they discuss the message and decide to investigate it further thanks to the advice of Sam. It is also revealed that Ebrose knows of the deaths of Randyll and Dickon but that Sam has not yet been informed.

Helen Sloan - HBO (Photo 3) (5)

Back at Dragonstone, Varys and Tyrion discuss Dany’s decision making and imply that she needs to listen to advice so that she does not end up like her father. Varys recalls advising the Mad King but having no influence. And we all know how that ended up.

Davos Jon Eastwatch

In the council room, Jon tells Dany that he must leave because of the message and the first idea of approaching Cersei about joining them to fight the Night King is introduced. The plan? Bring one of the army of the Night King to Cersei to prove the claim.

Back in Winterfell…

The Northern Lords are questioning Jon’s absence while Arya questions Sansa.  Arya doesn’t like that Sansa does not stand up for Jon and questions her true motives. The seeds are being planted. Dirtball Effect forthcoming.

Tyrion Jaime Eastwatch

The Brothers Lannister

Tyrion and Davos arrive in the KL and Davos leaves Tyrion to fend for himself while he goes to tend to business in Flea Bottom (hmmmm….)

Bronn lures Jaime to the dungeons to meet with Tyrion. In a meeting that we assumed would occur (albeit, maybe not this quickly), Tyrion explains to Jaime that he was going to be executed by Tywin for a crime he did not commit (which was perfectly brought up earlier in the episode). Tyrion then tells him about Dany’s request.

Gendry Eastwatch


Meanwhile, Davos goes snooping around Flea Bottom and runs into the best rowing team captain of all time. Gendry! The rowing has officially concluded! The Robert’s hammer nod was a perfect touch and took the emphasis off of trying to notice how big Gendry’s arms were from paddling all these years.

On the shore, Davos and Gendry are approached by two gold cloaks. Davos gives them money, and then fermented crab and then chainmail piercing hard-ons. As the two are leaving, they spot Tyrion and follow him to the boat as the hammer goes into action. “He’ll do.”

Cersei Jaime Eastwatch

Jaime visits Cersei again to tell of his meeting with Tyrion, but she already knows. Cersei is open to an arrangement with Dany because she realizes that Dany has a clear advantage.  And then… a new fucking Lannister???? Jaime partakes in fermented crab as well apparently. The plot thickens.

The prophecy of the Witch was that Cersei would have three children. She never mentioned a fourth. This could be indirect foreshadowing that Cersei won’t survive much longer. And, it could be me overanalyzing.

Back at the Stone, Jon is introduced to Gendry in yet another historical generation character meeting considering the history between Ned and Robert. Davos’ quote at the end of the scene was brilliant.

Gilly Sam Eastwatch

High Septon Maynard Was Bored and Counted Things, or Had a Westerosi Fitbit

15,000 steps. Not bad.

About the time Gilly begins reading a significant piece of story regarding a Rhaegar annulment, Sam loses it. Reviewing and making copies of shitty statistics and lore can take its toll, especially considering the the current situation in Westeros. Sam decides to leave the Citadel. Of all things, I most certainly did not see this coming. But Sam realizes that he is wasting a lot of time as the danger is imminent and makes the decision to leave before his training is complete.

11 Littlefinger creepin

The Creepy Guy in the Bar is Making His Move

On Looking Forward this weekend, we discussed the Dirtball Effect and what LF was really up to, if anything. Last night, for the first time this season, we see Baelish doing… something. Arya observes LF receiving a copy of a message and discussing issues with Lord Glover and others. She breaks into LF’s chambers and finds the message while LF does what Dirtball’s do… watch young girls from the dark corner of the bar.

Sansa Letter

This definitely looks like an attempt by LF to drive a wedge between Sansa and Arya. Judging by their dialogue earlier in the episode, it wouldn’t take much. The Dirtball Effect is officially in play.

Eastwatch meeting

The Westerosi All-Stars

Finally at Eastwatch, the Who’s Who of Westeros end up in one place with many differences, yet all with a common goal. Seriously… who could have predicted that this set of guys… Jon, Gendry, Jorah, Tormund, Beric, Thoros, Davos, and the Hound would one day meet up at Eastwatch to go catch a wight to prove to Cersei that the threat beyond the Wall is real?

Brienne would have been another good person to call to help with this excursion. Tormund concurs.

The only thing bad about this team is that we know that all of them will not survive this frozen safari. I’m not good with losing any of them. But it is a foregone conclusion, and a tough pill to swallow.

Sandor Beric Thoros Eastwatch

The Seven depart beyond the Wall.  Epicness awaits. What a great fucking episode.

Episode 705 Personal Awards

Favorite Action Sequence: It might not be considered an action sequence, but Jon and Drogon was incredibly intense. Nice job once again, Mr. Shakman.

Favorite Quotes:

“Listen to me, cunt. Til’ I get what I’m owed, a dragon doesn’t get to kill you. You don’t get to kill you. Only I get to kill you.” –Bronn

“Dragons are where our partnership ends.” -Bronn

“May as well jump back in that river.” -Bronn

“So we fight and die or submit and die. I know my choice.” –Cersei

“You need to find a way to make her listen.” –Varys

“Then we’re fucked. Best hurry.” –Davos to Tyrion

“The lion does not concern himself with the opinion of the sheep.” –Jaime quoting Tywin

“Never betray me again.” –Cersei to Jaime

“Nobody mind me. All I’ve ever done is live to a ripe old age.” -Davos

“For fuck’s sake will you shut your hole?” The Hound

“We’re all breathing.” -Jon

Favorite Sequence: So many to choose from… Jon and Drogon; Davos finding Gendry and Gendry immediately ready to leave; Gendry wielding a hammer;  the meeting between all parties at Eastwatch. 

The “Ow, That Shit Hurts Award” goes to:  A hammer to the face is brutal.

Jackass Award: Littlefinger. But if you are crazy enough to read my rants regularly, you knew it was eventually coming.

Overall Thoughts: So much to analyze. So little time. This may have been one of the strongest episodes to not include a huge action sequence. The pacing is admittedly nuts, but we have been warned that it would be from Season 7 until the conclusion. I don’t personally have a problem with it. Tell the story. Don’t give us unnecessary filler. That is what is happening. Everything that takes place has meaning, even if people are jumping from place to place on Air Westeros.

Will Cersei’s baby ever be born? Unlikely. That last look back that Jorah gave Dany.. was that the last one ever? Possibly. Will Jon and Dany end up making dragon babies? Probably.

What say you, my good peeps? Speak now. Speak loudly. it’s difficult to fathom that we’ve only got two left. We better get it while we can.

Until next week, have some fermented crab. Invite an Unsullied to join us. And may there always be peace in your realm.  –Oz

Follow Oz on Twitter.

**SPOILER NOTE: The Management of this fine site would like to remind you that spoilers (book or leak) are not allowed in Unsullied posts.  This includes spoilers covered by code or otherwise.  Personally, I appreciate feedback from Sullied and Unsullied alike, so long as they do not include any type of hinting or conversation related to the written verse.  However, spoiler coded comments do tend to lead to further Sullied conversation and for that reason, we ask that you please refrain from posting any SPOILERY content whatsoever in Unsullied posts. Thank you for the coop. -Oz

The post Unsullied Recap, Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 5: Eastwatch appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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