Tuesday, September 12, 2017

New VFX reel breaks down the fiery spectacle of “The Spoils of War”


In the latest special effects breakdown video, we get a meticulous look at the VFX process behind Daenerys’ breathtaking Loot Train Battle Field of Fire sequence in “The Spoils of War.”

The video from Iloura focuses less on the dragon’s animation than other VFX reels have in the past. Rather, the video draws attention to how many of the Dothraki and Lannister soldiers in the scene are CGI, (though the stunt work from that episode, of course, remains astounding) and the layers and layers required to create the fire and smoke for that chaotic, fiery battle.



Much thanks to Ryan Neuner for informing us about this video!

The post New VFX reel breaks down the fiery spectacle of “The Spoils of War” appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.

Via http://watchersonthewall.com

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