Friday, January 5, 2018

Watchers on the Wall Awards: Best Episode of Season 7

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Winter has come, and it’s time to wrap up voting for the Season 7 Watchers on the Wall Awards, with our final category today!  Game of Thrones fans have nominated their favorites over the past couple months, reminiscing and celebrating the very best of the best of the latest season. With a thorough process of open nominations, preliminary polls and this final round of voting, we’ve uncovered what makes fans laugh, cry and stand up and cheer. The complete award results will be announced in ten days’ time, on January 15th at 7PM EST in a live ceremony broadcast here via YouTube streaming. Cast your last vote for season 7, and be sure to join us on the 15th for a night of awards fun, discussion and giveaways!

It’s time to choose the Best Episode of Game of Thrones season 7. Every episode is up for vote, and we’ve helpfully provided a summary of the highlights for each one, in case you haven’t had time for a rewatch lately and need some refreshing!


Episode 1, “Dragonstone”

Directed by Jeremy Podeswa, Written by David Benioff & D. B. Weiss

Daenerys finally arrives in Westeros, going home to her family seat of Dragonstone. Winter comes to House Frey, thanks to Arya. Later she encounters a band of kind Lannister men on the road. Jon and Sansa meet with the Northern lords and make key decisions. Samwell confirms the existence of dragonglass on Dragonstone. Jorah’s presence at the Citadel is revealed. Bran and Meera arrive at the Wall safely. Euron proposes to Cersei, but realizes he needs to bring a gift to win a queen. The Hound revisits a place he once robbed, and sees visions in the flames with Thoros’ encouragement.


Episode 2, “Stormborn”

Directed by Mark Mylod, Written by Bryan Cogman

Team Targaryen plots their next move, Olenna encourages Daenerys to embrace her dragon heritage, and Varys defends his past actions to his queen. Euron attacks Yara and Theon’s fleet, killing Obara and Nymeria Sand and capturing Ellaria and Tyene. Theon abandons his sister and flees into the water. Melisandre arrives on Dragonstone and pushes for Dany to meet and ally with Jon Snow. Qyburn reveals to Cersei a new weapon to use against the dragons. Arya reunites with Hot Pie and learns that Jon is now King in the North. Against the wishes of Sansa and the Northern lords, Jon heads south to meet the dragon queen. Sam treats Jorah’s greyscale with a painful cure.

Queens Justice

Episode 3, “The Queen’s Justice”

Directed by Mark Mylod, Written by David Benioff & D. B. Weiss

Jon and Davos land on Dragonstone and meet Daenerys. Arriving at an impasse when Jon refuses to bend the knee, Dany decides to grant him access to the dragonglass source. Melisandre faces off with Varys before departing the island. Cersei receives Euron’s gift of Ellaria and Tyene, and agrees to marry him…eventually. Jaime is not thrilled. Tyene is sentenced to death by Cersei, and her mother is doomed to watch her rot in the dungeons. Bran and Sansa are reunited at Winterfell. Archmaester Ebrose is amazed by Jorah’s sudden cure; the knight leaves to return to his queen. The Unsullied launch an attack planned by Tyrion to take Casterly Rock, but discover they’ve been tricked after seizing the castle. The Lannisters take Highgarden easily, and Olenna Tyrell is sentenced to death by poison, revealing to Jaime in her last moments that she killed Joffrey.

Spoils of War

Episode 4, “The Spoils of War”

Directed by Matt Shakman, Written by David Benioff & D. B. Weiss

Bran says goodbye to a heartbroken Meera Reed. Later, Littlefinger presents Bran with the catspaw dagger, and is unnerved by the boy. Arya comes home to Winterfell, and reunites uneasily with her sister Sansa and Brienne, taking on the latter in a sparring match. Jon discovers ancient cave paintings on Dragonstone showing the White Walkers, and shares his info with Dany. Daenerys reacts to the loss of her allies and failed plans, and realizes it’s time to be a dragon. Cersei presents the Iron Bank with Highgarden’s gold to pay back the crown’s loan. The rest of the loot however is lost when Dany attacks, decimating the Lannister forces with fire and her Dothraki army. Bronn manages to wound Drogon with Qyburn’s weapon. Jaime makes a suicide run at Dany on the battlefield, and is saved by Bronn, with the two men falling into the water.


Episode 5, “Eastwatch”

Directed by Matt Shakman, Written by Dave Hill

Jaime and Bronn survive the loot train attack. Daenerys executes Randyll and Dickon Tarly, despite Tyrion’s suggestions for another way. Daenerys happily welcomes Jorah back to her service. Jon realizes he needs proof to secure Cersei’s cooperation in the war against White Walkers, and decides to capture a wight. Davos and Tyrion visit King’s Landing, with Tyrion meeting secretly with Jaime while Davos tracks down Gendry. Gendry shares his true identity, as a bastard of King Robert, to Jon on their first meeting. Jorah also joins Jon’s mission to Eastwatch. At the Wall, the men recruit the Hound, Beric and Thoros to their cause. Cersei reveals her pregnancy to Jaime. Frustrated by the Citadel’s refusal to acknowledge the White Walker threat, Sam and Gilly leave and head north. In Winterfell, Littlefinger maneuvers Arya into discovering an incriminating letter concerning Sansa. At Eastwatch, the group of men journey out together to begin their hunt.

Beyond the Wall

Episode 6, “Beyond the Wall”

Directed by Alan Taylor, Written by David Benioff & D. B. Weiss

Littlefinger’s manipulation of Sansa and Arya continues, with Sansa deciding to send Brienne away, and Arya challenging her sister’s past actions. Sansa finds Arya’s faces, and grows more afraid of her. Tyrion and Daenerys discuss tactics and Jon Snow, and Tyrion pushes Dany to consider the future after the war, including the succession. Beyond the Wall, the wight hunt begins with banter and a talk between the Hound and Tormund about their mutual  acquaintance Brienne. The men face an undead snow bear and capture a wight successfully. With a huge amount of wights on their tail, Gendry runs to send a message. The injured Thoros dies in the cold. The wights attack, and the men are saved from certain death by Daenerys’ arrival with her dragons. Viserion is killed by the Night King, and Dany is forced to retreat with the men. Jon is saved by his uncle Benjen, who sacrifices himself and gives Jon his horse to escape. Afterward, a recovering Jon bends the knee to Daenerys and accepts her as his queen. Viserion is raised by the Night King with a touch.

Dragon Wolf

Episode 7, ” The Dragon and the Wolf”

Directed by Jeremy Podeswa, Written by David Benioff & D. B. Weiss

Enemies gather at the Dragonpit for a demonstration of the undead. Jon confesses he’s bent the knee to Daenerys. Tyrion and Cersei have a private chat about their family and the past. Cersei reconsiders, and decides to support the cause against the White Walkers, committing her army to the fight. Later, she admits to Jaime that she was lying, and her twin leaves her for good, as it begins to snow in King’s Landing. Theon and Jon discuss being Greyjoy and Stark; Theon resolves to rescue his sister Yara, defeating an Ironborn to rouse his men to the cause. With a vision and Gilly’s earlier discovery, Bran and Sam confirm Jon’s true identity as the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark- and heir to the Iron Throne. Daenerys welcomes Jon to her bedroom, as Tyrion watches unhappily. The tensions between Arya and Sansa come to a head. Littlefinger is exposed by Sansa, and executed by Arya. The Night King breaches the Wall, using Viserion’s blue flame, and his army of wights march south.

Final round rules: Cast your vote for the winner in the Best Episode Poll. In the finals, fans have one vote to cast in each category! At the end of 72 hours (Monday 1/8/18 at 3PM EST), the episode with the most votes will be the winner! The results of the poll will be revealed during our live Watchers on the Wall Awards ceremony taking place on January 15th, 2018, at 7PM EST!

The post Watchers on the Wall Awards: Best Episode of Season 7 appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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