Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Inside the Episode: “The Red Woman”

With the conclusion of every Game of Thrones episode, the production releases a spate of videos detailing the behind the scenes work that when into the making of it. These videos range from the thought process that went into the creation of particular scenes, and highlighting what the writers and directors see as the key moments of the episode. In years past, there was usually a sit down with George R.R. Martin explaining a something from the books that is featured in this week’s episode, as well as one with the actors talking about how they felt about a particular scene.

We start, of course, with the Inside the Episode featurette, featuring David Benioff and Dan Weiss, and (naturally) a dead Jon Snow.

This year, the Martin segment seems to be cut–after all, with the show all but fully off book, such a segment will probably not be all that necessary. (We’ll have to see if we get any over the course of the season.) Instead we have two sits downs with actors to discuss particular scenes. First up, Iain Glenn and Michiel Huisman and their search for Daenerys.

Second up, Emilia Clarke and Joe Naufahu on Dany’s future as a Khal’s widow.

The show also released the clip of the scene between Dany and Moro, which most fans are referring to as “The Dothraki Inquisition” scene, due to the bit about seeing a woman naked and where it falls in the top things that happen in a man’s life.

Via http://winteriscoming.net/2016/04/26/inside-the-episode-the-red-woman/

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