Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Prop from “The Red Woman” fills a couple of Dornish plot holes

A lot of the complaints about Game of Thrones Season 5 involved Dorne and the Sand Snakes. So it sort of makes sense that the series’ showrunners would want to excise that bit of cancer quickly…which they may have done in the Season 6 premiere, “The Red Woman.” Sadly, not even the murder of Doran and Areo Hotah went off without a hitch. Many fans didn’t enjoy what appeared to be a glaring plot hole.

  • If Myrcella died of poison not long after the ship set sail from Dorne, why didn’t Jaime turn the ship around and go back to Dorne for help?
  • Did Jaime even realize Myrcella was poisoned?
  • If he did, why would he allow Trystane to live? Didn’t the Lannisters and Martells hate each other?
  • How the heck did those two Sand Snakes get to King’s Landing to kill Trystane so quickly?

Well, according to a new photo that has surfaced on the Making Game of Thrones blog, we may have answers to some of those questions. Check out the prop of the letter Jaime sent to Doran, the one he opened right before Ellaria killed him.

Myrcella Death Scroll

The Princess Mrycella died by poison on our return journey. I suspect Ellaria, not you, but my sister will demand war. I doubt Ellaria’s head will appease her, but it is a start, along with your nieces. Your son cannot star in King’s Landing. I am sending him back on the same ship.

This message shows the cool-headedness of Jaime Lannister. Instead of acting brashly and killing Trystane in a fit of rage, something he might have done in earlier seasons, he genuinely seems concerned for the young Prince of Dorne’s wellbeing.

It also strongly implicates Ellaria and the Sand Snakes. Jaime says he suspects them, which to Doran, who has already had to tell them he does not believe in third chances, might be as good as proof of their guilt. This will explain why Ellaria and Tyene were prepared to strike so quickly, as they were waiting for the damming message to be delivered.

This still doesn’t exactly answer the question of how Obara and Nymeria got to King’s Landing so quickly. Perhaps they boarded a ship at the end of Season 5 and followed Trystane and Jaime’s ship to King’s Landing, because as you can see from the note, Trystane was on the same ship as Myrcella and Jaime. Or maybe they stowed away.

For a show that prides itself on excellence, Game of Thrones took a hit to its credibility with the Dornish story arc. And, if I’m being honest, I’m glad the showrunners cut it so quickly. I just wish Doran and Hotah had gone out in a better fashion.

Via http://winteriscoming.net/2016/04/26/prop-from-the-red-woman-fills-a-couple-of-dornish-plot-holes/

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