Monday, August 29, 2016

SkyMake Things Creates Miniature Iron Throne (Video)

The Iron Throne is one of the most iconic images of Game of Thrones. It is, after all, the throne everyone is playing the game for. The image of each of our main characters sitting in it that first season cemented the visual of the show’s take on the chair’s design. It speaks volumes that the season considered the worst one so far by most fans (Season 5) was the only year we never saw the seat of power.

But, as Martin revealed a while back, that chair was actually not his vision of the throne. His was far grander, far more imposing far less….well, practical to be honest. Whereas the show’s throne really is just a “chair of swords”, Martins was a heap, an insane, melted down twisted heap of metal, that would require those in attendance to wait several minutes for the king to climb to the top every day.

Iron Throne by Marc Simonetti

That image inspired YouTuber D. Schuyler Burks, of SkyMake Things to create Martin’s original vision of the Iron throne from the above concept art by Marc Simonetti. This video is part one of a project where he will be making miniature versions of famous chairs.

The montage is eight minutes, but from the looks of it, this was a month long project at least. This is why the Targaryens, when they first made it, used dragon fire. Far more efficient for welding.

You know if this whole “conquering Westeros” thing doesn’t work out for Dany, she can always go into the smelting and metalworks business. Three Dragon Metalworks! If she’s really forward thinking she might even kick off the industrial revolution. War is a time when technoligy has historicaly made leaps forward….

Sadly, I doubt that Dany would have such capitalist leanings in her heart. She far too much of a dictator in the old school made. Good thing that someone made an update to that “Everybody Wants to Rule The World” trailer that was originally done after Season 4. (I looked for that original, but it seems to have been deleted.)

Too bad no one on Game of Thrones wants to have to make the Iron Thrones. They just want to sit in them.


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