Thursday, July 6, 2017

Maisie Williams reveals her hopes for Arya; Nathalie Emmanuel discusses Missandei and Grey Worm’s relationship

Arya Stark Game of Thrones

We continue to wade through a sea of interviews as the Game of Thrones season 7 premiere date looms ever closer. Time has released the latest in their series of cast interviews, Maisie Williams, who reveals her thoughts on the show ending and what she hopes for Arya Stark’s future. A piece from Entertainment Weekly brings us a conversation with Nathalie Emmanuel about Missandei and Grey Worm’s relationship.

Maisie Williams practically grew up on the set of Game of Thrones, so you would think she’d have an especially difficult time saying goodbye. That’s not the case, however, as she reveals, “I think it’s quite exciting that the show’s coming to an end, not only because we get to tell the end of the story…but also because there’s a whole sector of opportunities that I have for after the show now.” While Williams appreciates the opportunities that have come her way thanks to the show, she says, “or eight years, for six months of the year every year, I’ve been tied into this one job. And I never really realized what that meant until now it might be coming to an end, and I’m like, ‘Oh, I can just go traveling for a year — I can do anything, really!’”

When asked if she knows the endgame for her character, Williams pleads ignorance. “We just finished [season] 7, so I know marginally more than viewers at home.” She does seem to admit she will survive to the final season though, saying, “In terms of the next season and the final season, we don’t find out anything until they release the scripts, and they usually don’t release the scripts until about a month before shooting, so I won’t know the end until the very end, really.” Not knowing works to Williams’ advantage, as she explains, “It’s quite nice, really: If I knew the ending right now, it’d be really difficult to keep it a secret!”

Photo credit: Maisie Williams for Time Magazine

Photo credit: Maisie Williams for Time Magazine

Williams does have her own aspirations for Arya. “I would like her to meet with her family members again. I don’t really know how that would go down, but I would love for the Starks to be able to work together,” she says. “That’s my hope for her future. It’d be really lovely to finally share a scene because that’s what we’ve been working for for so long.” I’m sure the entire viewing audience would agree.

No matter how her character ends up, Williams is grateful for her time on the show and for the people who brought it to life – showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss. “They’ve always been great with us — the whole cast, but particularly with me and the younger cast members. I almost forget they’re our bosses…We are like a family — none of us could have imagined the scale of the show, even David and Dan who pitched the show to HBO could never have realized this is how big it was going to get.” Williams adds, “We’re traveling through this industry together, kind of in shock. We’re all just so grateful but a little bit, like, what the f—.”

Check out the entire interview at Time.


In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Nathalie Emmanuel dishes on the relationship between her character, Missandei, and the Unsullied soldier Grey Worm (Jacob Anderson). “These two have always hidden behind their duty.” The two have been fairly reserved in their affection, but with the stakes being raised this season it may be time for them to turn up the heat. “Times like this where it’s not guaranteed they will even see each other again, where he might be killed and she might be… who knows…they’re having to confront their emotions and feelings to each other.”

Emmanuel, like the rest of the cast, is excited for fans to see what’s in store. “It’s the same thing every season: I don’t think [showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss] can outdo themselves, and then they do. And the role that Missandei has been playing becomes ever more important because they’re facing war and potential death. Distractions aren’t really welcome, though Missandei has a few of her own,” she admits. I wonder what distractions those could be, aside from her romance with Grey Worm?

Aside from relationship drama, the looming threat of the “great war,” and a change of scenery for her character, Emmanuel also get a wardrobe change. Trading in her summery garb for the black leather number pictured above, she jokes, “[The costume] feels like a gladiator/Power Ranger.”

Read the rest over at EW.


The post Maisie Williams reveals her hopes for Arya; Nathalie Emmanuel discusses Missandei and Grey Worm’s relationship appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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