Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Tweeting Out Loud

twitter-birdNot much of a title, sure, unless you GET the title, but you know what? None of you really care.

Because it’s TWITTER POST time, people! Seriously though, special thanks to @Alt_Qthulhu (and Ed Sheeran) for the post title. Now I owe that bastard pizza…

For those of you that know it, great, no introduction needed. For you n00bs who’ve never seen this, well, hold on to your loincloths, and get ready for the 140-character revisit…ation… of the Dragonstone episode (s7.1) you probably just watched a few days ago.

(And I mean, if you didn’t watch it, why are you even here? What is WRONG with you.)

I, the rarely-axiomatic @Axechucker, trolled the length and breadth of Twitter, scouring the #GameOfThrones hashtag, as well as the #GoTs7, #DemThrones, #ThronesYall, and #Dragonstone tags. Yes, it takes a long time.

Yes, it’s fun!

I do this sucker on Storify. If you want to just read it there, then go RIGHT TO THE PAGE. Be welcome! Please look forward to it!

Everyone else… just start scrollin’.

See you next week, nerds!

The post Tweeting Out Loud appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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