Friday, November 3, 2017

New photos offer a glimpse of a new set and a large-scale weapon


Photos have recently been taken of a new set under construction in Northern Ireland with tantalizing weaponry. Very mild potential spoilers ahead. 

Wiki of Thrones recently posted photos of a set still under construction next to the Painthall Studios in Belfast. The photos offer a glimpse at what appears to be a large castle. Sadly, there are no sigils or any other identifying marks visible.

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However, there was a large trebuchet near the castle set, suggesting that this set may be intended for a battle sequence.

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Wiki of Thrones also reported that filming has been taking place at Wolf Hill Quarry, where last season’s extraordinary frozen lake battle was filmed. According to sources, filming has been taking place at night but at this time we have no information about the nature of what’s being filmed.

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