Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The Watchers on the Wall/Game of Thrones Halloween 2017 Parade/Party/Round-Up of Epic Proportions

Photo: @StanBushTV

Photo: @StanBushTV

Ladies and Gents of the Wall,

It is time once again for our annual round-up/party/parade of Game of Thrones related tricks and treats from Halloween 2017 (although, admittedly sometimes photos from years past do tend to sneak in).

This year features an abundance of riches including plenty of Dany, Jon and Dany, Jon and Tormund, Jon and various dead characters, a few pets, a few kids, a few fanatical parents, plenty of Night Kings, and some (un)realistic looking dragons.

Enter if you dare, for the night is dark and full of errors…

As always, we head off first to the Westerosi pumpkin patch.  No Halloween is complete without an array of pumpkins. Pick one and let’s get into costume.

Photo: Ben Gordon via FB

Photo: Ben Gordon via FB



Photo: Gina Franz via FB

Photo: Gina Franz via FB




Hound approved…


GoT Pets
Now that we’ve got the pumpkin, it’s time to get the pooches dressed to a level that will not alarm the local humane society.


The bearded dragon…


Breaker of Leashes…

The infamous Pugs of Winterfell…

UM…. LOL. No.

The Kiddos
It is known that before tending to yourself, you must prepare the younglings if you are the proud owner of one (or more). And some of these costumes are just damn awesome.

A true Mother of Dragons…

The Big Kids

The only true way to open GoT Halloween is with Dany riding a dragon. This depiction is so close, I thought I was watching an episode…

Dany was apparently riding the dragon to work…

I was not aware that the Night King was hitched, but he married up for sure…

And he now has a smartphone as well…

And laser vision…


No comment…

From Varys to Olenna. Very diverse indeed.

Come to think of it, Jaime did not stick around to burn the body…

Yes, we are.

And then, there was Dany…

And then, Jon and Dany…

And then, Jon and randos…

As Jon ages, golf clubs will emerge from his crown…

And then, a Kardashian (apologies for Kardashian inclusion)

Photo: Tom Hooper via FB

Photo: Tom Hooper via FB



I’ve got news for you kid, it doesn’t get any better. We were put here to give birth to and humiliate you…

Photo: Kristin Hathaway via FB

Photo: Kristin Hathaway via FB

Frozen 2 Spoiler Alert…

The detail in Viserion here is exquisite…

A woman must update her list…

Photo: Gina Franz via FB

Photo: Gina Franz via FB

A woman is adaptable…

From the Watchers Contributors, our very own Joe Magician…

And check this out from Sam Wallace!

The dead are resurrected on Halloween…

There are always a few randoms that make you stop and spew coffee or make you go “whaaaa?”

All Hail, Jon of House Snowden…

Lucas, the resemblance is uncanny…

Finally, this year’s clear #GoTHalloween winner is… the Javelin King

The good news is that if you didn’t make the annual Unofficial GoT Halloween post this year, it looks like we will get another Halloween in before the show concludes. That’s also the bad news.

Hope all of you Ladies and Sers are doing well! A man will be back soon for an off-season Looking Forward. Follow a man on twitter, and may there always be peace in your realm.


The post The Watchers on the Wall/Game of Thrones Halloween 2017 Parade/Party/Round-Up of Epic Proportions appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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