@Axechucker and @WatchersOTWall! If you don’t get it by now, you never will.
Happy Game of Thrones Finale Day! #GOTFinale
— m3sh (@m3shwerks) May 19, 2019
Y’all tonight is the last episode ever of Game of Thrones and I’m so emotional Bc I know so many of you bc of it and I love y’all and thanks for the conversation and theory talk over the years, it’s been a wild ride and a big impact on my life not gonna lie
— a time for wolves (@princesszelduhh) May 19, 2019
Indeed. But before we can go into this ep, people were still talkin’ shit ’bout LAST week…
How do I start a petition, to prohibit the people who signed the remake s8 of #GOT petition from watching the finale?
— Stephen Amell (@StephenAmell) May 19, 2019
— Eddie Steak (@EddieSteak) May 20, 2019
getting married in FFXIV and the ceremony concludes with this, weird
— 5mash (@5mashed) July 25, 2018
Weird AND harsh.
Arya Stark consistently surviving impossible scenarios
— sansa stark, queen in the north (@motelsonthemoon) May 19, 2019
I love how the #GoT cast is essentially just a bunch of theater kids messing around, doing what they love. #TheFinalEpisode (
: via @lovegwendoline IG.)
— Erin Qualey (@miffedcupcake) May 20, 2019
People also talkin’ ’bout Ye Olde Days…
High in his home with the tweets that are gone,
Manu would glance at his posts.
The ones he had made and ones that are gone,
And the ones that were retweeted the most.— As a manu who once was a baby (@ManuclearBomb) May 19, 2019
"JASON MOMOA’S ASS MAKES ME PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN." Things I posted on tumblr 8 yrs ago and still don't regret. #GameofThrones #nostalgia
— Sue the Fury (@SueTheFury) May 19, 2019
All truth.
All the glorious Lannister siblings… back when they were sweet summer children, who knew nothing of winter… #GoTMemories #GoT
— Margaery Tyrell (@Margaery_Tyrell) May 19, 2019
Two Ros's together!
— Ros of the North (@GameOverRos) May 19, 2019
I remember reading #GameofThrones Tumblrs from my *DORM ROOM* prior to the show's premiere and now I'm watching the finale before I go back to work tomorrow at the fucking Smithsonian. Unreal.
— Starkalypse (@starkalypse) May 20, 2019
#BeautifulDeath #GoT
"Forget about the bloody gods and listen to what I'm telling you. Cersei understands the consequences of her absence, and she's absent anyway, which means she does not intend to suffer those consequences. The trial can wait. We all need to leave.”— Margaery Tyrell (@Margaery_Tyrell) May 19, 2019
I don’t know what tonight’s finale has in store for us, but I know that Game of Thrones has been an experience like no other. And we will never see it’s like again.
— Haz (@HistoryofHaz) May 19, 2019
There were a number of tweeted acknowledgements from more than a few people affiliated with the show:
So tonight we have our very last episode. It’s the final step of a long and wonderful journey. A journey that, for me, started at 10am on Monday 19th of July 2010. I know this because recently I found my rehearsal…
— John Bradley (@johnbradleywest) May 19, 2019
Such a privilege to have been a small part of this EPIC show! Thank you @GameOfThrones and @HBO for hours of joy, horror, and nail biting action straight into my eyeballs.
Love, Ser Gerold Hightower #TheWhiteBull #TheFinalEpisode #GameOfThrones
— Eddie Eyre (@EddieEyre) May 19, 2019
It was a great honour to be a part of the @GameOfThrones family. What a spectacular production team, crew and cast. Thanks to all for the years of memories, our watch has finally ended together.
— James Cosmo MBE (@MrJamesCosmo) May 20, 2019
Our watch is ending tonight. Thank you to the story, the show, the experience and the friends I have made all over the world because of it. We are all a family. Never forget that. #GOTFinale
— Miltos Yerolemou (@miltosyerolemou) May 19, 2019
I can’t believe it’s nearly over…
… @GameOfThrones. What a ride it’s been ❤️❤️❤️
— Nathalie Emmanuel (@missnemmanuel) May 19, 2019
To the mensches who changed my life, I salute. To being around the very most gorgeous people, to dental work and to no one messing with Sansa except me when I refuse to let her nap. It changed your lives and mine.…
— Pedro Pascal (@PedroPascal1) May 19, 2019
I've far, far exceeded my wildest dreams already—both in life, and as a language creator. Now it's my turn to give back. And it never would have happened had not Dave and Dan decided that gibberish is not okay. San athchomari yerea. Kirimvose. Love and respect. <3
— David J. Peterson (@Dedalvs) May 19, 2019
God damn…Madonna went with the look I should have gone with on #GameOfThrones
— Pilou Asbaek (@PilouAsbaek) May 18, 2019
Ofc Euron Greyjoy is the guy who brings his own guitar to a house party and polite Missandei winds up stuck next to him, this photo is so on brand I can’t. #gameofthrones
— Sansa Snark (@TheSansaSnark) May 19, 2019
lol yep.
So preparations for the finale were made, and the fandom was showing OUT…
Game day!#TeamStark #Gameofthrones #GameOfThronesFinale
— Dominique (@tradominique) May 19, 2019
Repping the home team @Hangoutfest on the final day of #GameofThrones. Come find me! @WatchersOTWall
— Oz (@OzofThrones) May 19, 2019
OotD = A memento of a once-in-a-lifetime concert of @Djawadi_Ramin playing the hell from them organs in Antwerp about a year ago. Plus @BlackMilkTweets #DrogontheDragonleggings, that I've treasured for years, my fave gear. #GameOfThronesFinale #TheFinalEpisode
— House Tupsukorva (possibly GoT spoilers) (@SuskiTupsukorva) May 20, 2019
But I’m wearing my @BlackMilkTweets #gameofthrones sigal leggings
— KellieisComing (@KellieIllichman) May 20, 2019
A Game of Thrones last supper: every fucking chicken casserole, bowl of brown, Dornish watergarden salad, and sparkling arbor gold.
— ShakesofThrones (@shakesofthrones) May 20, 2019
Who’s going to be in the iron throne??? Why me of course! #GameOfThrones #GameOfThronesFinale
— Khal Swivel (@Bigswivel34) May 20, 2019
I got my cookie and my Starbucks lol. Gotta be prepared
#GameOfThrones #TheIronThrone
Little Targaryen Fruit Dragon ⓥ
(@Phoenixs_Flame_) May 20, 2019
Sending you a “virtual” piece as a thanks for all you do for the fandom. The things we do for love. @ThisGrayArea @AzorAhype @InDeepGeek @davosfingers @CitadelSecrets @TheSansaSnark @Joemagician42 @thedragonLML @MalloryRubin @shakesofthrones #GOTFinale #GoT
— Ygritte Targaryen (@K2Kav) May 19, 2019
Ommegang's For The Throne is DELICIOUS and DANGEROUS.
— NOT TODAY (@CLeg19) May 19, 2019
I have decided to go for the red instead of the white purely due to alcohol content: 14.5% vs 12%.
— Paloma Crankypants (@PaleGirlSquad) May 20, 2019
Happy Final Thrones Day! #ValarMorghulis #GoT #DemThrones #GameofThrones #ForTheThrone
— Thoros ❤️'s R'hllor (@ThorosLuvRhllor) May 19, 2019
my little (14 years old) sister is having a #gameofthrones birthday party and helping decorate this was a BLAST ⚔️ #forthethrone
— Jinx Lierre
✨ (@JinxLierre) May 18, 2019
Beer 1 in my pre gaming of #gameofthrones #InnisandGunn
— GHOST GOT HEAD SCRITCHES (@you_there_boy) May 20, 2019
Night's Watch ready!!!! #GameOfThornes ♡ #TheNorthRemembers
— Sarah B (@saugep_sarah) May 20, 2019
A Feast for Hoes: Part I
(Tyroshi Honeyfingers w/Pistachios) #GameOfThrones #GameOfThronesFinale #DemThrones #ThronesYall @Axechucker
— Akash the Homosexual (@AkashSmarts) May 19, 2019
READY FOR THE #GameOfThronesFinale!!!!!
Ox Tail Stew, honey cornbread, and Lemon cakes for @TheLadySansa 🥴
— Tempo Monica (@Monicaa_Gaming) May 20, 2019
Counting down the hours until I see the final episode of #GOT I AM SO EXCITED! & 4 all of U people that r like “I just don’t get it” well, I just don’t care, nor do I get ur sportsball or crappy reality tv so please don’t pee on my parade. #InTheWordsOfMirandaPriestly
— Kelly Clarkson (@kelly_clarkson) May 19, 2019
Getting our #GameOfThronesFinale party started with a Night King whisky sour!
#GameofThrones #gonnaneedalotofbooze
— Vanessa Cole (@vkcoleartist) May 19, 2019
Bonus: Check our gal Vanessa’s sweet new Emilia-inspired tattoo:
"Mother of dragons. Mother of monsters…If they are monsters, so am I." Hero, villain, or something in-between, #Daenarys will always be my favorite #GameofThrones character, and my new tattoo was inspired by @emiliaclarke who brought her to life. It‘ll be hard saying goodbye❤️
— Vanessa Cole (@vkcoleartist) May 19, 2019
One last drink before the war. #GameOfThrones #GOTS8 #TheFinalEpisode #GOTS8E6
— Nymeria, Queen of Wolves (@aerynsunx) May 20, 2019
i was invited to a watch party tonight but i might have murdered someone for talking / pausing it and they don’t let you livetweet from jail
— the real azor ahann (@feellikepdiddy) May 20, 2019
Getting ready to watch #GameofThronesFinale at @TridentBooks
— Petra Halbur (@PLHalbur) May 20, 2019
I won this shirt a few years ago for livetweeting #GameofThrones thanks to @WatchersOTWall. Love you all! Thank you for the best coverage of the show. And for the laughs. @SueTheFury @Axechucker and everyone else. #PromiseMe #TheFinalEpisode
— J. Dianne Dotson (@jdiannedotson) May 20, 2019
Wearing my M.O.D. shirt and my House Stark badge. Can you tell I'm conflicted? #GameOfThronesFinale #GameOfThrones @Axechucker
— Miss Nikki (@MissNikkiDotCom) May 20, 2019
Some hopes, fears, and predictions were made:
If Ghost gets his scritches from Jon, I declare the finale the single most important, and greatest episode of any show, EVER. #itisknown #ForTheThrone #Got
(If Ghost gets the throne, drinks are on me.)
— S (@SRoit) May 20, 2019
<—**Still holds out hope the entire series will end with a great big musical number.**
What?? THERE'S STILL TIME! #GameOfThrones #GOTS8 #TheFinalEpisode #GOTS8E6 #GameOfThronesTheMusical
— Nymeria, Queen of Wolves (@aerynsunx) May 20, 2019
@Axechucker my favorite ship, which might finally get to sail.
— jilly (@_jilly) May 19, 2019
I swear to the old gods and the new that if Evil Dany executes Jon in front of Arya, and we get a repeat of Ned’s beheading from S1, I will flip over my coffee table in rage.
— Casey Tweets Too Much (@caseykassidy) May 20, 2019
Jessica Chastain was MORE THAN A LITTLE DEMANDING with regard to her predictions:
My theory:
Sansa ends up on the Iron Throne
Arya becomes the hand of the Queen
Daenerys kills Jon Snow
Arya kills Daenerys
Tyrion continues to sht the bed
And I miss all of it because I'm traveling. #gameofthrones @SophieT— Jessica Chastain (@jes_chastain) May 19, 2019
Last chance crackpot theory: Gendry+Sansa marry and rule #GameOfThrones #GOTFinale #TheFinalEpisode
— Mary (@dainenyu) May 20, 2019
I hope to god that Bran isn't named king
— Frank of the Morning (@Red_Blaster) May 19, 2019
Someone’s been reading internet spoilers and regrets it!
if the game of thrones finale isn’t just 90 minutes of daenerys splayed out on the iron throne saying “i aint sorry” while serena williams bounces around her then fuck this show
— Matt Bellassai (@MattBellassai) May 20, 2019
sandor survives cleganebowl, having lost only an eye, and becomes the fiercest of sansa’s queensguard. now they call him the wolf.
— SANSA STARK THE QUEEN IN THE NORTH (@beefcliterature) May 20, 2019
The minutes were tickin’ down… and yo, people were SWEATING…
I started watching #GameOfThrones near the end of the 3rd season after seeing a coworker with the book. Decided to read all of the books first. The show, even in it's less popular moments, has never disappointed. I'm not ready. #DemThrones
— Katreesi (@KatriceTLeach) May 20, 2019
Y’all…I’m not ready. #GameOfThrones
— Mandy Blizzardborn (@LadyMandyisms) May 19, 2019
I’m not ready for this. #got
— stinkerbell (@7373tinkerbell) May 20, 2019
— a time for wolves (@princesszelduhh) May 20, 2019
— Jillybean (@JillybeanButtle) May 20, 2019
Tough tittays!
With no delay… it began!
Here we go…@Axechucker
— Erik Kluth (@Blackfyre) May 20, 2019
— Magnus: Evil Feminist; Icelandic Novelist; old (@GeekFurious) May 20, 2019
And so it begins…#TheFinalEpisode
— Motels on Mars (@motelsonmars) May 20, 2019
Now it ends. #GameOfThrones #GOTS8 #TheFinalEpisode #GOTS8E6
— Ned Stark (@EddardStark_1) May 20, 2019
— queen of love and booty (@liesandarbor) May 20, 2019
Final #GameOfThrones live tweet ever #FakeWesteros, let’s rock this shit like it’s the apocalypse
— Khaleesi Welcoming Committee (@DrogoTheKhal) May 20, 2019
#GameofThrones is going out with no nudity warnings. Shit got serious. #GameOfThronesFinale
— Whit (@Whitless256) May 20, 2019
Going out with no boobies???
— Official State Bird of Msaechubaets (@CaseuOiseau) May 20, 2019
Previously on Gee Oh Tea…
Previously on #GoT
— S (@SRoit) May 20, 2019
Last week there were bells. that is all. #GameofThrones
— Becca (the 2019 Version) (@becca_diane11) May 20, 2019
That is all.
So let’s hit that sweet GAME of THRONES INTRO one last frickin’ time!
Fellow denizens of the #GameOfThrones fandom, please join me one final time in singing our National Anthem:
Dany done lost her mind
Tits & dragons tits & dragons.
Arya gonna kill the queen
Tits & dragons tits & dragons.
And now our watch is done
tits & dragons tits &
— AndNowMyWatchHasEnded (@iMissMollyIvins) May 20, 2019
— it’s the queen in the north, SANSA STARK (@harlotstarlet1) May 20, 2019
Here we go for the last time: du du dudududu dudududu dudududu dudududu dudududu NAAAAA NAAAAAAA NA NA NA NAAAAAAAA NA NA NAAAAAAAAA dudududu dudududu dudududu NAAAAA NAAAAAA NA NA NA NAAAAAAAA NANANAAAAAAAAA du du dudududu dudududu dudududu dudududu dudududu dudud #GameofThrones
— Too School For Cool (@MadMakNY) May 20, 2019
I heard one of my neighbors go, "WOOOOOOOOOOO!" as the credits came on. #GameOfThrones #GotS8
— Edmure Tully, Dragonrider (@duckandcover) May 20, 2019
It's totally reasonable to sob during opening credits right? Asking for a friend.
— Spider Jerusalem's Flithy Assistant (@undercover_emi) May 20, 2019
I must have some dust in my eye
Pollen or somethin— sean pink (@DancingSean) May 20, 2019
WHY ISN'T KING'S LANDING BURNED UP IN THE CREDITS…how many seasons did we have to go through that with Winterfell #GameofThrones
— Pastor X (@bastique) May 20, 2019
It kind of was? Maybe not at first glance. Time to get those spectacles, pastor!
Yaaaay King's Landing was wrecked in the credits! #GameofThrones
— Not Bri. Just me. (@BeautyBrienne) May 20, 2019
The Lannister lion is gone! #GameofThrones
— Shelly Ren (@shellyren79) May 20, 2019
And now that we've seen virtually the whole-ass season, the details they've included in the new opening credits are all extremely pertinent to the story we've seen. Well played, new credits-makers. #GoT
— Official State Bird of Msaechubaets (@CaseuOiseau) May 20, 2019
nikolaj and lena’s names both appeared in the opening titles. CORPSE TIME HERE WE GO #gots8
— erin – jaime lannister deserved better (@SerJaimeOfTarth) May 20, 2019
Lena probably all, “Easiest mil I ever made, really.”
We opened… on Tyrion Lannister!
Tyrion, ambling through destruction as per usual. #GoT
— wynnter, the Unbannable Night King Stan (@WynntersHeart) May 20, 2019
He drinks, knows things, and routinely meanders through post-apocalyptic devastation.
Tyrion has seen some shit – and done some shit in his day, but nuclear holocaust by dragon is a first. #GameofThrones #GameOfThronesSeriesFinale
— Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton (@BetseySHamilton) May 20, 2019
Regardless of anything else, this dragons as nuclear weapons allegory is on point. #GameOfThrones
— Certified Ghoul Wrangler (@WhiskeyWin) May 20, 2019
Leaning in on Hiroshima, bold choice for an American production.
— Alt_Qthulhu (@Alt_Qthulhu) May 20, 2019
These are parallels to scenes from 9/1–people walking through the ashes. As a NYC resident who lived through it, it hurts on another level. #GameOfThrones #GOTS8 #TheFinalEpisode #GOTS8E6
— Nymeria, Queen of Wolves (@aerynsunx) May 20, 2019
And we open with Tyrion walking through the KL hellscape for 47 hours looking at corpses. This episode is going to kill me. #GameOfThrones #GoTS8
— GHOST GOT HEAD SCRITCHES (@you_there_boy) May 20, 2019
So THAT'S how the Liberty Bell was cracked.#GameOfThronesFinale #Philly
— Stephanie R (@BroadStGhoulie) May 20, 2019
I feel like I’m gonna puke and I don’t know if it’s because this is the end or if it’s the ash falling reminding me of 9/11 again. #GameOfThrones #GOTFinale #TheFinalEpisode
— Mary (@dainenyu) May 20, 2019
Everyone just ignore the poor severely injured person #GameOfThrones
— Jo Ludwigsen (@TotalAverageJo) May 20, 2019
The Walking Dead #GameofThrones #TheFinalEpisode
— J. Dianne Dotson (@jdiannedotson) May 20, 2019
yeah pls don’t sign me up to get burned by fire
— the real azor ahann (@feellikepdiddy) May 20, 2019
So since human meat is similar to pork, does the city smell like bacon now? #GameofThrones
— Not Bri. Just me. (@BeautyBrienne) May 20, 2019
Everything was wasted, but no one was tasted.
People coming back to Kings Landing from vacation in Dorne
— A.J (@AJ_10Q) May 19, 2019
The silence is deafening #GameofThrones
— sansa stark, queen in the north (@motelsonthemoon) May 20, 2019
The lack of music is effective #GoTFinale
— FPM (@FatPinkMast) May 20, 2019
Djawadi wins even when he doesn’t Djawadi.
Jon and Davos walked behind Tyrion, clearly enjoying this tour as much as he…
My only reaction currently is holy fudge #GameOfThrones
— Theon Greyjoy 🦑 (@IronbornTheon) May 20, 2019
Fucking hell. Dead children. This devastation. #GameOfThrones #gots8
— Lauren (@pinklem73) May 20, 2019
Can we stop showing the dead children please thanks
— it’s the queen in the north, SANSA STARK (@harlotstarlet1) May 20, 2019
This is full A Feast for Crows level of devastation
— steph (@Stephamaybe) May 20, 2019
Right? The first thing I thought was “George would fucking LOVE this part.”
Tyrion headed toward the Red Keep, whilst Jon and Davos encountered Grey Worm…. who is NOT playing around.
“Kill all who follow Cersei Lannister.”
Damn Grey Worm. #GoT
— April (@lostapril) May 20, 2019
Wow. Great tension between the Unsullied and Northmen. #GameOfThrones
— mW (@mW_) May 20, 2019
Grey Worm was a free man. He’s chosen brutality. Gosh Dany really brings out the best in people don’t she #GameOfThrones
— Mandy Blizzardborn (@LadyMandyisms) May 20, 2019
grey worm torgo whatever his name is has shown himself to be just as much of a shitbrain as dany
— edmure tully stan account (@bernthaI) May 20, 2019
Grey Worm's pretty much snapped as hard as Dany. #GameOfThrones #GameOfThronesFinale
— Kate and Newt (@GusAndLeo) May 20, 2019
Davos has dealt with rulers consumed by fire before, and he always holds hope that they can change.
It looks grim this time… #gots8
— queen of love and booty (@liesandarbor) May 20, 2019
Of course Davos thinks he can solve this by speaking to the queen. He could always talk to Stannis…until he couldn't. #GameofThrones
— Emmett Booth
(@PoorQuentyn) May 20, 2019
If Jon Snow doesn’t gut every last one of them after what they’ve done, is he even the right person to be king? #GameOfThrones #LiveTweet
— King Renly Baratheon 🦌 (@TheKingRenly) May 20, 2019
Mayhaps not! Because Jon left.
Grey Worm executed. SLICE!
Oh no, not Random Lannister 47 – I liked him. #GameofThrones
— Stannis Baratheon (@King_Stannis) May 20, 2019
Meanwhile, Tyrion entered the Red Keep, which was surprisingly not 100% demolished.
if Dany didn't like the interior decorating done at the Red Keep she could have just said something #GameofThrones
— Becca (the 2019 Version) (@becca_diane11) May 20, 2019
Tyrion is walking through his memories of King's Landing. Most of them cannot be pleasant, truth be told. #GameOfThrones #GOTS8 #TheFinalEpisode #GOTS8E6
— Nymeria, Queen of Wolves (@aerynsunx) May 20, 2019
Dany turned The Red Keep into Harrenhal.
— Alexandra Ellis ⚾ (@AlexandraInTX) May 20, 2019
Yikes Jaime and Cersei would've been alive had they stayed in the map room #GameofThrones #GoTS8
— You have your Needle? (@TheLadyShelly) May 20, 2019
He then went down below…
Honestly I would not creep in any of these buildings until an architect has said they're sound.
And I'm pretty sure the architects were all on fire last week. #GameofThrones
— Not Bri. Just me. (@BeautyBrienne) May 20, 2019
How did Tyrion light that torch? #GameofThrones
— Stannis Baratheon (@King_Stannis) May 20, 2019
My day job as a Dungeon Master also demanded this question be answered! Does Tyrion walk around with a 2 lb. tinder box? What’s his STR score? Does this encumber him??
— GHOST GOT HEAD SCRITCHES (@you_there_boy) May 20, 2019
Is Tyrion going to find Cersei half buried and going to finish the job? #GameofThrones
— Pastor X (@bastique) May 20, 2019
— Official State Bird of Msaechubaets (@CaseuOiseau) May 20, 2019
The hand finds a hand. #GameofThrones
— Emmett Booth
(@PoorQuentyn) May 20, 2019
A golden hand.
Well, there go the 'Jaime is alive' theories! #gameofthrones
— Ros of the North (@GameOverRos) May 20, 2019
me thinking Cersei and Jaime escaped #GameofThrones
— sansa stark, queen in the north (@motelsonthemoon) May 20, 2019
I never thought a fake hand would make me cry. #GoT
— S (@SRoit) May 20, 2019
You and me both.
They came into this world together…and they left it together#gameofthrones #gotatlantic
— Daenerys Targaryen (@danygonebad) May 20, 2019
Jamie Lannister ladies and gentlemen. Give him a hand
— wynnter, the Unbannable Night King Stan (@WynntersHeart) May 20, 2019
I’m not supposed to #BAN you any more for horrific puns… but… the pain…
Ah, sod it.
Lannister siblings making me sad until the end
— Tiana (@jaimelannisters) May 20, 2019
I didn’t cry last week when the castle collapsed. Tyrion finding his siblings dead just broke me. #GameofThrones
— Shelly Ren (@shellyren79) May 20, 2019
CERSEI'S NOT DEAD SHE'S JUST SLEEPING OKAY that Dornish red takes a toll #gameofthrones
— Starkalypse (@starkalypse) May 20, 2019
nah, yeah, they’re just sleeping. they’ll be alright. #gots8
— erin – jaime lannister deserved better (@SerJaimeOfTarth) May 20, 2019
So, the whole floor didn’t collapse? So cersei and jaime should have just scooted over and they would have been fine I guess #GameOfThrones
— Camila Beltrão (@CamilaBeltrao) May 20, 2019
Tyrion's sympathy for Cersei this season has been so out of character. #GoT #GameofThrones
— Miamicita ✌
(@miamisita) May 20, 2019
Jaime could’ve had a life. He could’ve mourned his sister while living with Brienne. He could’ve loved and been loved. He could’ve been a leader and a reformer. We will never see his like again. #GOTS8
— LADY BRIENNE'S RUBY & GOLD INKPOT (@alysonmiers) May 20, 2019
Dinklage is coming out hard for this last Emmy. I respect the effort, but I'd like to see someone else get a chance.
— Spider Jerusalem's Flithy Assistant (@undercover_emi) May 20, 2019
Valid point from Mrs Ghost- as much as I love them, why did Jaime and Cersei get the top credit for that episode? 4 seconds of screen time being a corpse.#GameOfThronesFinale
— Ghost Snow (@GhostTheWolf) May 20, 2019
Outside, Arya was back afoot…
Arya the silent sneaky shadow #GameOfThrones
— Jo Ludwigsen (@TotalAverageJo) May 20, 2019
Where did Arya's horse go???? #GameOfThrones #GotS8
— Edmure Tully, Dragonrider (@duckandcover) May 20, 2019
Maybe she ate it? We saw Jon approaching the great stair…
Jon baby please don’t be Ned Stark dumb #gameofthrones
— it’s the queen in the north, SANSA STARK (@harlotstarlet1) May 20, 2019
Sure don’t waste time marking the place. That banner fit in a pocket!? #GoT
— S (@SRoit) May 20, 2019
Dany always carries that banner around, just in case… #GOTFinale #GoT #MargiesShelf
— That Shelf (@ThatShelf) May 20, 2019
Grey Worm waited at the top… and Daenerys Targaryen, First of Her Name, Mother of Dragons, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea (titles, titles) arrived on Drogon.
Dany doing flyover of KL, and all I can think is @Axechucker deserves one last obligatory "Negative Ghostrider. The pattern is full" tweet.
GameOfThrones— AndNowMyWatchHasEnded (@iMissMollyIvins) May 20, 2019
Bless you.
But yes! Dany had arrived… and for a moment she was a WINGED DRAGON.
— Samantha (@SamDianeK) May 21, 2019
"His enemy halted again, facing him, and the shadow about it reached out like two vast wings." –The Lord of the Rings #GameofThrones
— Emmett Booth
(@PoorQuentyn) May 20, 2019
Drogon’s wings appearing as if they were Dany’s is instantly one of the series’s best shots – even if I still am wholly uneasy about this narrative pathway.#GameOfThrones #Dracarys #GameOfThronesFinale #TheFinalEpisode #demthrones #ThronesYall @Axechucker
— Akash the Homosexual (@AkashSmarts) May 20, 2019
omg what a shot with drogon behind her and his wings open like fuck the lizard queen but that looked awesome
— edmure tully stan account (@bernthaI) May 20, 2019
Oh my gawd- what a shot!! I legit thought she sprouted wings for a minute. Holy F #GameOfThrones
— 🦄 Eureka🦄 (@shenaniganlife) May 20, 2019
And her dress looks like it's folded wings.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
This is scary. #gameofthrones
— Ros of the North (@GameOverRos) May 20, 2019
Not sure if Daenerys or Maleficent#GameofThrones
— Thiago Waldhelm (@thiagowaldhelm) May 20, 2019
who did her hair like that if missandei is dead
— edmure tully stan account (@bernthaI) May 20, 2019
i see Grey Worm learned how to do hair #GameOfThrones
— Becca (the 2019 Version) (@becca_diane11) May 20, 2019
Oh, Dany is in the black leather fit. She wants ALL the smoke #DemThrones
— Jemele Hill (@jemelehill) May 20, 2019
So many amazing shots. The cinematography in this ep is outstanding. #GameOfThrones
— Paloma Crankypants (@PaleGirlSquad) May 20, 2019
Impressive that the Unsullied learned how to multiply through mitosis #GameOfThrones #GotS8
— You have your Needle? (@TheLadyShelly) May 20, 2019
So Dany gives a speech given to the Dothraki…
1. emilia's beauty: UNMATCHED;
2. the confidence she gave to daenerys in this scene: UNPARALLELED;
3. emilia's talent: UN-FUCKING-REAL;
4. the harsh tone she gave to this speech is outstanding, UNFORGETTABLE;
5. emilia's skills in speaking non-existent languages, POWER.— 𝐋𝐈𝐕 (@TARGYARYEN) May 20, 2019
Jon: I knew I should have done DuoLingo’s Dothraki module
#GameOfThrones #GOTFinale #TheFinalEpisode
— Mary (@dainenyu) May 20, 2019
How did any Dothraki survive the Battle of Winterfell? #GameOfThrones
— Tara (@_Taradiddle_) May 20, 2019
My people seem to have multiplied #GameOfThrones
— Khaleesi Welcoming Committee (@DrogoTheKhal) May 20, 2019
Wow. Look at all those Dothraki and Unsullied there. I see that Dany finally figured out how to work that cloning machine Selyse built under Dragonstone. #GameOfThrones #GoTS8 #GameOfThronesFinale
— Cersei I. #JustAnotherBrickInTheWall (@NiceQueenCersei) May 20, 2019
I kind of like Dany now that she's evil. ICONIC. #gameofthrones
— Starkalypse (@starkalypse) May 20, 2019
Dany then gave a speech in Valyrian to Grey Worm (the new Master of War) and her Unsullied!
Tyrion has seen some shit – and done some shit in his day, but nuclear holocaust by dragon is a first. #GameofThrones #GameOfThronesSeriesFinale
— Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton (@BetseySHamilton) May 20, 2019
WHAT PEOPLE OF KING’S LANDING?! #GameofThrones #TheFinalEpisode
— Sansa Stark, Queen in the North (@TheLadySansa) May 20, 2019
Liberators? Um, well more like incinerators really but….. uh
— Sarah B (@saugep_sarah) May 20, 2019
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck #GameofThrones
— Becca (the 2019 Version) (@becca_diane11) May 20, 2019
Y’see? She just wants to “liberate” people. If a few million of them have to die? That’s just eggs for omelets! #GameOfThrones
— Aaron T. Starks
(@StarkyLuv73) May 20, 2019
Heil Dany. #GoT
— S (@SRoit) May 20, 2019
did the wheel not answer dany’s texts or something? Girl let it go
— the real azor ahann (@feellikepdiddy) May 20, 2019
From… Winterfell?
— Ros (@GameOverRos) May 20, 2019
— it’s the queen in the north, SANSA STARK (@harlotstarlet1) May 20, 2019
Did she just threaten to burn down Dorne and Winterfell….#GameofThrones
— sansa stark, queen in the north (@motelsonthemoon) May 20, 2019
Did this fuckin son of a bitch just say she was going to burn winterfell I swear to god she is goin to die tonight this fucking show I swear to god #GameOfThrones #LiveTweet
— King Renly Baratheon 🦌 (@TheKingRenly) May 20, 2019
Tyrion, Hand of the Queen, then approached Danaerys…
“I freed my brother, and you slaughtered a city.”
Tyrion with the RECEIPTS. #GameofThrones #TheFinalEpisode
— J. Dianne Dotson (@jdiannedotson) May 20, 2019
And then TYRION just up and QUIT.
Tyrion quitting his job is what I aspire to someday. #GOTFinale #GameOfThronesFinale
— Whit (@Whitless256) May 20, 2019
Tyrion is gonna die and I feel bad but also KILL HIM
— it’s the queen in the north, SANSA STARK (@harlotstarlet1) May 20, 2019
DAMN! #Tyrion just threw down his Hand of the Queen pin. Can’t say I blame him. #Daenerys is not going to take that well. #GameOfThrones #GameOfThronesFinale
— LadyJoannaSnark (@rebellegrrl) May 20, 2019
I guess Hand isn't really something you give a 2-weeks- notice for. #GameofThrones
— Not Bri. Just me. (@BeautyBrienne) May 20, 2019
“Take him.”
And he’s taken away.
So then Jon finally encountered Arya…
YES Arya spill that tea ☕️
— chris evans (@notcapnamerica) May 20, 2019
Pat Benetar was right. Love IS a battlefield. #GameofThrones
— Not Bri. Just me. (@BeautyBrienne) May 20, 2019
Jon soon entered Tyrion’s makeshift cell…
“Did you bring any wine?” Well, there’s the most consistent thing about Tyrion to the end. #GameOfThrones #Dracarys #GameOfThronesFinale #TheFinalEpisode #demthrones #ThronesYall @Axechucker
— Akash the Homosexual (@AkashSmarts) May 20, 2019
#Varys tried to tell y’all about #Daenerys, but you didn’t listen #Tyrion and #JonSnow (who still knows nothing apparently) 🤦♀️
— LadyJoannaSnark (@rebellegrrl) May 20, 2019
"Hey, Jon. You've died. Is there life after death? Is it nice?"
"No. There's nothing."
"…I mean, you could have lied."#GameofThrones #GoTS8— GHOST GOT HEAD SCRITCHES (@you_there_boy) May 20, 2019
“Oblivion is the best I could hope for.”
Jon stanning as hard as he can for Dany but dude SHE NUKED AN ENTIRE CITY AND THE PEOPLE IN IT. #GameOfThrones #GOTS8 #TheFinalEpisode #GOTS8E6
— Nymeria, Queen of Wolves (@aerynsunx) May 20, 2019
Jon and Tyrion having the same conversation Twitter's been having for the past week. #GOTFinale #GameOfThronesFinale
— Whit (@Whitless256) May 20, 2019
Every time Jon says "She is the queen" another orphanage full of kittens bursts into flames. #GameofThrones
— Not Bri. Just me. (@BeautyBrienne) May 20, 2019
You didn't love her as successfully? Were you… Planning to stick your peen in her? #GameOfThrones
Geoffery Crescent
(@Lady_Geoffery) May 20, 2019
By the sound of it, he was hoping to!
My brother is a twatwaffle. #GameofThrones #TheFinalEpisode
— Sansa Stark, Queen in the North (@TheLadySansa) May 20, 2019
Tyrion starts to make sense again and Jon Snow doesn’t want to listen #GamefThrones
— Allison Fennessy (@allisonfenn) May 20, 2019
“Love is the death of duty.”
“Sometimes, duty is the death of love.”
I need to achieve Jon levels of loyalty #GameOfThrones
— Jo Ludwigsen (@TotalAverageJo) May 20, 2019
“And your sisters. Do you see them bending the knee?”
This is the same argument Varys made to Ned before his execution. What about Sansa and Arya. Beautiful. #GameofThrones
— Luka Nieto Garay (@LukaNieto) May 20, 2019
You know what? After Tyrion's speech, I buy it. I buy that we were all complicit in not seeing Dany's awfulness because it was always directed at awful people, and we perceived her as having no choice. We suspended our morals for high fantasy logic. 'Bend the knee har har!'
— G. is going to WisCon (@GWillowWilson) May 20, 2019
Jon left Tyrion.
The Targist Formerly Known as Jon Snow soon encountered Drogon, sleeping beneath the ash (and snow?)…
why is drogon just lying under ash. what a fucking weirdo #GameofThrones
— Becca (the 2019 Version) (@becca_diane11) May 20, 2019
Drogon was making snow dragons on the ashes. #GameOfThrones
— Gendry Baratheon (@LordGendry) May 20, 2019
Is it still ash now? It does so much look like snow. And of course we were expecting this scene all the way back in Season 2 #gameofthrones
— Pastor X (@bastique) May 20, 2019
THAT definitely looks like snow, not just ash. #GameofThrones #TheFinalEpisode
— J. Dianne Dotson (@jdiannedotson) May 20, 2019
I just got like, goofy, little kid levels of excited about that dragon-in-the-snow shot and I'm not entirely sure why. I think I just didn't see it coming and it absolutely tickled me.#GameOfThrones
— Sarah Walsh (@BigDamnHerosSir) May 20, 2019
Our PoV shifted, and we were suddenly with Dany as she expectantly walked toward the throne.
Sorry, Dany, the throne's a bit anticlimactic in the show. The dragon glass throne on Dragonstone is more impressive. #GoT
— Official State Bird of Msaechubaets (@CaseuOiseau) May 20, 2019
Emilia is rocking her darker role…I just wish she had more time to come to this role. #GameofThrones
— sansa stark, queen in the north (@motelsonthemoon) May 20, 2019
I agree. Clarke has been brilliant this entire season.
Dany… touched the throne!
Sit on it, Dany. I want to see it cut you. #GoT
— April (@lostapril) May 20, 2019
(But she never does sit.)
There’s your prize. Was it worth it? #GameOfThrones #gots8
— Lauren (@pinklem73) May 20, 2019
Jon entered.
I love how they've given Jon an ashen, sickly look. It's an amazing physical representation of the shit he's mentally going through, what with the, you know, having to depose his aunt and all. #GameOfThrones #GotS8
— Edmure Tully, Dragonrider (@duckandcover) May 20, 2019
Calling your shot, eh??
A thousand swords you can't climb? Bless you Dany, only in the books #GameOfThrones
Geoffery Crescent
(@Lady_Geoffery) May 20, 2019
— GHOST GOT HEAD SCRITCHES (@you_there_boy) May 20, 2019
I can hear Reddit now #GameofThrones
— Not Bri. Just me. (@BeautyBrienne) May 20, 2019
dany: “oh wow! the real iron throne! jon, look, we made it!! let’s take a selfie”
jon: “…you killed people, dany”
dany: “oh my god, that was like YESTERDAY! move on already!” #gots8— erin – jaime lannister deserved better (@SerJaimeOfTarth) May 20, 2019
Jon is so tired of this. He just wants Dany to understand how much death and injustice she’s brought to the 7 Kingdoms #GameofThrones
— Dacey Mormont
(@TheBearHeir) May 20, 2019
“We can break the wheel together” – Daenerys Targaryen #GameOfThrones #GoTAtlantic
— The Night King (@WightsKing) May 20, 2019
That look. She blew it.
Wrong thing to say to Jon. #GoT
— S (@SRoit) May 20, 2019
Staaaab heeerrrrrrr #GameofThrones
— Not Bri. Just me. (@BeautyBrienne) May 20, 2019
— Not Bri. Just me. (@BeautyBrienne) May 20, 2019
And… Yeah.
He did that.
Holy shit!
— Ros of the North (@GameOverRos) May 20, 2019
— Paloma Crankypants (@PaleGirlSquad) May 20, 2019
— Becca (the 2019 Version) (@becca_diane11) May 20, 2019
— it’s the queen in the north, SANSA STARK (@harlotstarlet1) May 20, 2019
Aw fuck the leaks are true #GameOfThrones
— Frank of the Morning (@Red_Blaster) May 20, 2019
— You have your Needle? (@TheLadyShelly) May 20, 2019
Hell yeah Jon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #GameofThrones
— Khal Swivel (@Bigswivel34) May 20, 2019
Rhaegar’s love child murdered Rhaegar’s little sister.
THE FUCK#gameofthrones
— SanSan stan account (@JenniferArrow) May 20, 2019
she didn’t even get to sit on the throne lmaooo the disrespect
— edmure tully stan account (@bernthaI) May 20, 2019
Jon exercising the dagger veto.
— House of Black&White (@vahlamorgulis) May 20, 2019
Holy shit that was beautiful. That felt so tragic ASOIAF through and through #GameofThrones
— Luka Nieto Garay (@LukaNieto) May 20, 2019
But OMG the look of betrayal in Dany's eyes. I'm heartbroken. #GameOfThrones
— Pastor X (@bastique) May 20, 2019
BTW, there’s your
Azor Ahai/Nissa Nissa fulfillment #ASOIAF book readers
#GameOfThrones #GameOfThronesFinale— LadyJoannaSnark (@rebellegrrl) May 20, 2019
This aged well
— heathen king (@heathen_king) May 20, 2019
What is honor compared to a woman's love? What is duty against the feel of a newborn son in your arms…or the memory of a brother's smile? Wind & words. Wind & words. We are only human, & the gods have fashioned us for love. That is our great glory & our great tragedy. #gots8
— queen of love and booty (@liesandarbor) May 20, 2019
I think we should see other people…#GameOfThrones #gotatlantic
— Daenerys Targaryen (@danygonebad) May 20, 2019
So, what’s the story here…
She tripped and fell on the knife?
It was a sneaky Lannister Soldier?
Natural causes? #GameOfThrones #LiveTweet
— King Renly Baratheon 🦌 (@TheKingRenly) May 20, 2019
Who knows? Because uh.
…. Drogon arrived.
To Be Continued.
The post The Final Tweetdown – Part 1 appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.
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