Friday, January 15, 2016

Neville from Harry Potter asked Emilia Clarke for a GoT role

In this day and age of global franchises and global celebrity, it’s no longer just enough to have a major starring role in one franchise. The ones who have really made it land two. Ask Gwen Christie, Natalie Dormer, Maisie Williams and Sophie Turner. When you can cross the fandoms from one franchise to another, your popularity increases exponentially.

And what fandom rivals the popularity of Game of Thrones than Harry Potter? Matthew Lewis, who played Neville Longbottom clearly thinks that this is the best cross over one could possibly come up with, and furthermore, he knows just the actor to do it. It’s not enough that he starts with Jerome Flynn, (who plays Bronn on Game of Thrones), on the show in Ripper Street. He wants a role on the biggest television show on the planet.

According to an interview with YahooTV, he was even bold enough to start lobbying recently when he found himself working with Emilia Clarke.

 “I just worked with Emilia Clarke, she was like, ‘They’re going to be doing some new casting.’ I was like, ‘Right, well, why don’t you tell them I’m free and I can come and do it.’ I’ve seen a bit of the first season and a bit of the second, and I’ve read all the books, so I’m a big fan of the story. I’d definitely jump at a chance to be involved in that. I’d get to do my own accent, which is always nice, and it’s fun. I know a few people on it and it sounds like the most amazing fun—swords, shields, riding on horseback. What an era to throw yourself into!”

Interesting that he asked Clarke, when he’s working day in and day out with Flynn currently. Wouldn’t asking your closer co-worker be a more effective strategy? Or did he already try Flynn once, and get told to FOOK OFF? Or better yet find himself regaled with a few verses from “The Dornishman’s Wife”?

Clearly he’s still trying to butter Flynn up as well, since when asked who his favorite character was, he said Bronn.

“My favourite character actually was Bronn when I read the books. I said that to Jerome when we first started shooting [Ripper Street], ‘Before we start, Ripper Street’s great, mate, but the way you play Bronn is absolutely identical to how I imagined it.’ “

Maybe if Lewis consents to pay double. Flynn’ll think about it.



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