Thursday, March 10, 2016

A GIF Breakdown of the Game of Thrones Season 6 Trailer

Game of Thrones

Rejoice, friends! HBO has finally blessed us with the first full trailer for Game of Thrones Season 6, and as I’m sure you’ve already watched it repeatedly, and poured through our thorough screencap breakdown, you probably know every nook and cranny of every scene from the trailer. To provide a slightly new perspective, we now present it…in GIF form! Let’s get started, shall we?

We start off at the beginning, as dawn breaks over the Wall and the body of Jon Snow: “He’s gone.”

GoT S6 1

Next, we have the only modern-day Dornish presence in the trailer, courtesy of the sails on the ship carrying Jaime, Bronn, and the body of Myrcella back to King’s Landing.

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And it looks like Jaime has rather a lot of explaining to do.

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It seems like they proceed to then have sex, or at least start to, which is disturbing on a couple of levels. First, the obvious: they’re twins, and WiC writer Ani Bundel has pointed out that they look more similar than ever now that they share a haircut. Also, if this sex occurs after Jaime tells Cersei about Mrycella dying, that adds several other layers of creepy.

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Who is this guy, and what is he doing? Is it Davos visiting the site of Shireen’s burning, as he laments the death of his friend?

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Ramsay doesn’t look happy with pappa Roose. I wonder if Daddy Bolton’s days are numbered, now that Ramsay is Lord of Winterfell?

(Dan: I’d say poppa Roose doesn’t look happy with Ramsay. I think they’ve discovered that Sansa’s out of her cage and Roose is getting ready to blame his son.)

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Speaking of the Boltons, this has to be the body of Stannis burning on the cross, right? I mean, there’s no way Ramsay’s men didn’t find what Brienne left them in the woods, and there’s no way Ramsay didn’t take the opportunity to crucify the corpse on a Bolton cross…unless Brienne decapitated Stannis, in which case I have no clue who this unfortunate chap is, and may all the gods have mercy on his Kentucky-fried soul.

Got S6 6

Jorah! Daario! Come on on lil faario! J-j-j-j-j-jorah Jorah!

Jorah Jorah Jorah the explorer
Daario that super cool exploraario!
Need your help!
Grab your swords! Let’s go! Jump in! Dracarys! You can lead the way-hay! Hey! Hey!
Swiper no swiping
Swiper no swiping
Jorah The Explorer!!!

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Oh how the mighty have fallen. Looks like the Mother of Dragons could really use one of her kids right about now…

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Oh, hey…look.

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At some point in the season, the Dothraki will charge at something.

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Look in the background just over the top of Tyrion’s head and you can barely make out Varys standing in the doorway. There’s only one reason Tyrion is skulking around in the dark, and that’s to let loose the other two dragons…mark my words.

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Because when the doors get blasted off their hinges in Meereen, you can probably bet a dragon was behind it.

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Sansa and Theon may be parting ways, but we don’t really know, because Theon seems to be captured here. That soldier has a hound, which would suggest that someone is looking for him. Could Ramsay have caught up with Theon and Sansa?

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Sansa looks rather stern in this scene. It’s that whole “I’m tired of your shit” look, or it could be a “I’m the Queen in da norf, bow before me” look. With Sansa, you never really know. I will note that she looks less disheveled than she did in the Season 6 still photographs, so she’s probably gotten somewhere where she’s had an opportunity to refresh herself.

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Speaking of Theon’s people, this is a fun look at the Ironborn fleet.

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Here are the Ironborn on land. Note the kraken banners billowing in the wind.

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Here’s Euron getting drowned by a priest of the Drowned God. What is dead may never die.

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And here’s Euron confirming a theory about a certain rope bridge and the demise of a certain king.

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Looks like the Faith Militant will try fight Cersei, but it appears they have vastly underestimated her new bodyguard. “I choose violence.”

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Tommen seems to be walking with a bit of a purpose this season. Is it because when the High Sparrow says “We have the Faith Militant,” his mother can say “We have a Hulk?” And are they walking towards each other or are these two walking shots just being cut together?

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Looks like his wife Margaery is going the penitent route, like Cersei did in Season 5.

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However, once she sees the Tyrell and Lannister guard outside the Sept of Baelor, bolstered by the Gold Cloaks, she’ll probably just hop, skip and jump into Jaime’s waiting arms. Boy, I’m sure Cersei will just love that.

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