Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Comprehensive breakdown of the Game of Thrones season 6 trailer


Holy Mother of Dragons, it’s here. After weeks of looking at the lifeless faces of beloved (and not-so-beloved) characters, we finally have a full-length trailer. And it does not disappoint!

Below is a screen cap breakdown of the trailer along with our speculation, so beware of potential spoilers.

As “Wicked Game” performed by James Vincent McMurrow plays, the trailer opens at the Wall, where we see Jon exactly where we left him: bleeding in the snow. Davos assures us on voiceover, “He’s gone.” (Still trying to convince us, HBO? Alright.)



We then get a shot of a Martell ship sailing towards King’s Landing, most likely the one bearing Myrcella’s body and Jaime home.


Jaime comforts Cersei by telling her, “We’re the only ones who matter and everything they’ve taken from us we’re going to take back and more” (I’m assuming he’s not referring to Myrcella, here.)


Cersei scrutinizes whatever’s before her (based on a later clip, it’s probably Lancel) and closes her eyes.


Davos stands alone by a pile of wood and ash- perhaps the site of Shireen’s burning?GoT5

Ramsay and Roose share a father-son moment as the naturalized Bolton boy turns towards his father. To be fair, he’s lost his two human playthings – his bride and his Reek – as well as his girlfriend. He’s probably not feeling too hot.



We see a burning, flayed corpse strapped into the position of the Bolton sigil burning. Though there are no identifiable physical features to draw upon, the body might be Stannis’ as that does seem like a Boltonesque thing to do to one’s conquered enemy. Also, Melisandre’s following line begins as a voiceover on this image.

All of these Northern battle images look to be from the same huge battle, which was filmed in Saintfield, Northern Ireland. For more extensive spoilers, check out this previous post.


An emotional Melisandre tells Davos, “The great victory I saw in the flames … all of it was a lie.” Aw, Mel.


Jorah and Daario arrive on horseback to the site of Dany’s abduction and of course Jorah finds the ring that she dropped at the end of season 5.




Daenerys is walking (not riding – a good indication of how her Dothraki captors are treating her) to Vaes Dothrak.

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“Every one of us is poor and powerless, yet we can overthrow an empire,” the High Sparrow says, as we already heard (albeit with a different delivery) in the House Lannister promo. It’s a good line, though. I understand why they’re capitalizing on it.


Book-readers will know what this gathering of Ironborn men is, on the coast in the Iron Islands. We received spoilers about the filming of this big scene back in September.


Sansa appears to have acquired shelter and a fur coat since her jump, though the tear rolling down her cheek indicates that she’s still less than cheerful. Perhaps she’s at the Wall learning of Jon Snow’s demise?


“You’re in the great game, now. And the great game is terrifying,” Tyrion says. I’m guessing he says this to Missandei and/or Grey Worm (though, for the record, the editing makes it look like he’s speaking to Sansa, which is sort of cool).


Here we have Drogon (unless Viserion or Rhaegal managed to escape) apparently not rescuing his mother…


Lancel tells Cersei, “Order your man to step aside or there will be violence.”



… to which Cersei answers, “I choose violence.” This leads us to a quick-cut montage of ass-kicking, slicing and battling.


Also, this is not going to work out well for Lancel and his creepy boyband.

Six men unsheathe their swords. Given how Eddard-like the man in the front looks, plus the setting that matches the terrain outside Castillo de Zafra, Spain, there’s no doubt this is a Tower of Joy flashback.


Alliser Thorne and Bowen Marsh break through a tunnel.


Based on the editing (which might be misleading) Tommen and Cersei approach one another (with her pet Kingsguard trailing Cersei).

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Horses in a battle …


Ships in a stormy sea. We can’t see the sigil on the sails. They may an Ironborn fleet or perhaps the ship that Gilly and Sam are on. Or perhaps something else altogether.


The Waif slaps Arya across the face. So we’re playing this game again? Also , can we get a light in the House of Black and White?



Petyr Baelish. Just … standing there. Unfazed. As he does.


Margaery huddles in her dungeon, more or less as we saw her last in season 5.


A rider runs down someone on foot. What appears to be a ball of fire shoots through the shot. We do know that the Children of the Forest are returning in season 6, since Bran and the Three-Eyed Raven are back in play. And as we saw in season 4, outside the Three-Eyed Raven’s cave, the Children use balls of fire.


Archers (wearing Bolton-styled helmets, though the sigil on their flag isn’t clear) release their arrows.


There appears to be an explosion. Given the doors we can see and the color scheme, this looks like the room atop the pyramid Daenerys prefers to use in Meereen. With her away, Tyrion, Missandei and the others are likely using it now to rule the city.


We get a brief shot of Theon looking distressed as usual, as men with dogs (presumably sent by Ramsay) appear to have caught up with him.


We get our first look at a notably eyepatchless Euron Greyjoy (played by Pilou Asbæk) being baptized in the way of the Iron Islanders, which involves drowning. Behind him stands a white-haired Drowned priest that is most likely Aeron Greyjoy, his brother.



Apparently whatever Jaime said to Cersei has rekindled their passion.


Brienne kills a soldier (unambiguously and onscreen, I might add). Given the snowy forest backdrop and similar lighting to the shot of Theon, it’s reasonable to suspect that she’s taking out one of the Bolton men in pursuit of Sansa and Theon.


A hand (possibly Melisandre’s) before a fire.


A shot of the Hall of Faces. In case we had forgotten what it looked like.


Melisandre begins to undress. Given the look on her face, it might be for a reason other than the usual. Though this is total conjecture, I can’t help being reminded of Nissa Nissa baring her breast for Azor Ahai.


Jon Snow, still dead. Definitely not coming back. *Ahem*


Arya leaps from a building in Braavos. Several spoilers out of Girona, Spain provided more details as to this scene. Head on over to an earlier post for spoilers!


Bolton soldiers prepare for battle. With so many shots of this battle, it’s looking to be a massive one for season six.


Yara Greyjoy kisses a woman.


Oh, boy. Euron Greyjoy de-hoods atop a rope bridge. On a stormy night! *claps hands with jubilation*


A Targaryen-armored knight fights two men whose faces we don’t see. The one on the left wears Northern Stark leathers. Given the terrain and situation, this looks to be part of the Tower of Joy scene as well. There’s still a question as to why we’d see a knight in Targaryen armor and not white Kingsguard armor, as we expected.


Tormund Giantsbane turns around dramatically in the midst of battle, with the limb of the Bolton’s flayed-man sigil behind him. Most likely from the same big fight scene we’re looking forward to for episode nine in season six.


In the heat of battle, we see a black-haired man fighting who looks awfully familiar … hmm …


Could it be?


Margaery kneels before the High Sparrow, much the way Cersei did for her confession last season.


Filthy women stand in what looks vaguely like a crypt


Blind Arya provides more nightmare fuel.


Tyrell soldiers and Jaime Lannister on a white horse confront the Faith Militant on the steps of the Great Sept of Baelor. For more details and spoilers on this scene, visit this post.


Sansa runs through what is probably the same forest that Theon and Brienne were in. It’s reasonable to guess that she’s running from the same men who have Theon cornered and whom Brienne is slicing up.


Dothraki warriors charge (though the editing makes it look like they’re chasing Sansa…)


Wildling men, likewise, charge into battle



It all builds up to a shot of Bran (who’s standing so this is a vision), turning around to see …



Is the Night’s King seeing Bran, or is he seeing though him (more likely) to the other people in the vision, victims of the White Walkers as they move further south? We can see a White Walker standing just behind the Night’s King’s arm.

Finally, by the still-lifeless body of Jon Snow, Davos grabs Longclaw and says, “I’ve never been much of a fighter. Apologies for what you’re about to see.” He unsheathes it as two brothers of the Night’s Watch advance towards him. It certainly looks like he plans to steal Jon Snow’s body.

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So, what do you think of the new trailer? Which characters were you most excited to see and which ones were you disappointed not to see? Tell us below.

The post Comprehensive breakdown of the Game of Thrones season 6 trailer appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.

Via http://watchersonthewall.com

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