Wednesday, March 16, 2016

What did fans think of the Game of Thrones Season 6 trailer?

To put it simply, they loved it! Check out the results of our poll.

As per usual, you guys tore it up in the comments, catching tons of things we didn’t and offering great insight. Let’s dive in with WTFMoments!’s thoughts on that shot of someone laying hands on Jon Snow’s body. And let mw say right now: POTENTIAL SPOILERS APLENTY!

I think that’s Thoros of Myr with his hands on Jon ready to bring him back! Sorry I don’t think it’s Millesandre!

Hand on Jon Snow's head

Interesting. And if not Melisandre or Thoros of Myr, it could just be one of Jon’s bereaved friends, paying his respects.

Speaking of Melisandre, this comment from Jon was great:

Melisandre losing her faith is important because that is what happened to the guy from the brotherhood without banners right before he brought his friend back to life for the first time. Beric says that was the first time the Lord replied to his prayers

That bodes interestingly.

DWM points out the identity of the gentleman getting dunked in the sea.

Lastly, that’s Euron who “looks like he’s getting water boarded.” I thought it was Theon after my first viewing, too. With that in mind, I have to commend them for their casting choice.


Euron Greyjoy

And the incredible Game of Thrones casting department strikes again. I miss the eyepatch from the books, though. Maybe he took it off for the dunking?

Everything’s coming up Cersei, at least according to Gomez:

Cersei is freaking amazing! I never thought I would like and enjoy that stupid [expletive deleted] after reading the books, before watching the show, but Lena Headeys portrayal quickly changed my opinion on that. Her plot this year is what I’m most excited for.

Cersei chooses violence

Cersei’s “I choose violence” line has certainly made a lot of waves. Nothing like a good one-liner to get people excited.

One of the commentaries on the Season 5 DVD boxset mentions that Sansa’s black dresses in Season 5 were meant to mimic Littlefinger’s outfits. She was trying to be cunning like him, the idea goes, so she started dressing like him.

Sansa and Littlefinger

In the Season 6 trailer, we see her dressed like this…

Sansa in a fur

…and Wylie has an idea about what it means.

Couldn’t agree more about Sansa and the fur! I’m convinced it’s a visual clue that she fully embraces her Stark identity and the devotion (maybe even in a position of leadership) to the North that comes with it.

Here’s Alberto from Essos on the two people making out toward the end of the trailer: “At 1:15 is very clear that the women on the right is Yara, right?”

Yara and someone else make out

Yeah, now that it’s pointed out to me, that’s clearly Yara. I’m not sure what to make of this. In the books, we’ve never known Asha (Yara’s book counterpart) to be sexually interested in women, although she’s involved with a man. It looks like the show may alter Yara’s love life. The most radical interpretation of this moment is that the person Yara is making out with is “the dusky woman” from A Dance with Dragons, and that Yara will take on the absent Victarion Greyjoy’s role, meaning that Euron will send her to Meereen to pick up Daenerys. That seems like a lot to imply from one picture, so we’ll see where this leads.

Also, no one talked about this in the comments, but I’ve seen some suggestions about this shot, of women apparently beating an offscreen someone (A Dance of Dragons spoilers forthcoming):

GoT S6 38

Could this be Vary’s little birds stabbing Kevan Lannister to death?

Anyway, reaction to the trailer was hugely positive, and gave us plenty to chew over as we wait for April 24.


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