Monday, April 11, 2016

Breaking Down the Second Game of Thrones Season 6 Trailer

When Entertainment Weekly wrote up a spoiler-free review of last night’s red carpet premiere of Game of Thrones Season 6, it said that the vast majority of footage from first trailer we broke down last month was either from the first episode, or very clearly going to be part of the second episode. This was then followed up by the promise of a new trailer to come that was filled with footage that went beyond that point.

So when the new trailer dropped this afternoon, I was expecting some new footage, but not this much. Other than a few shots—the bows lifting aloft, a few fight clips, the Night’s King shadowed against flames—nearly every last image was new.

So here we go, my friends. Once more into the breech, once more! Let us deep dive and see how many spoilers for the upcoming season we can dig out, and how many questions we will be left with when all is said and done.


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