Friday, April 8, 2016

Carice van Houten teases winter and Liam Cunningham calls Season 6 “astonishing”


Following the title reveal of the Season 6 premiere and enticing clip shown on Conan, Carice van Houten and Liam Cunningham keep the fires burning in anticipation for the newest season of Game of Thrones.

With Entertainment Weekly, Carice van Houten reviews her character’s choices last season and new character arc in season 6. She then examines the Red Woman’s crisis of fate at The Telegraph. Also with Entertainment Weekly, Liam Cunningham calls Season 6 “astonishing.”

Surrounding what Melisandre did to Shireen last season, fan outbursts were at an all time high. Carice van Houten recalls death threats made to her character after.

I didn’t win a lot of sympathy points there. I got a lot of death threats to my character. “Die bitch, when are you gonna f–king die” – that I heard a lot. It’s nice that people are so worked up about it. It’s fair to say it wasn’t a friendly act.

She even touches on the theories about Jon Snow:

When he died, a lot of people who wanted to kill me after episode 9 came back and said, “We’ll forgive you if you resurrect Jon Snow!”

On Melisandre this season, Carice comments on a new direction for her character.

The arc of my character is finally going into a different direction. It’s changing and I really like it. We see her from a really different side of her now.

It will certainly be exciting to see a different side to Melisandre this season. Check out Entertainment Weekly where van Houten elaborates more on her character’s new role!

The Telegraph focuses on the aftermath of Melisandre’s faith in Stannis and the crisis she faces following “Mother’s Mercy.”

It’s the moment I have been waiting for as an actor because I have built up this stern, in control, fanatical character, who had this really clear mission. All of a sudden, by sacrificing this poor girl, we now see that her methods didn’t work. This has thrown her completely. It’s the first time that we get a little bit of a look inside the kitchen, as we say in Holland.

She comments on her character’s shaken psyche that allows herself to convey more emotion as an actor. She even gives us a tease for Season 6:

We start off with that in season six and – this is only “spoiler” I can give away – all of a sudden Melisandre is cold. She’s never cold! But at the beginning of season six, she has this bear skin around her to keep her warm. She is completely confused. She’s messy, she does not look as contained as she always does.

Could that be because…Winter is Coming?


Van Houten goes into that scene with Shireen, Melisandre’s sexuality, manipulation, and power, and also feeling sympathy for her new position over at The Telegraph.

Liam Cunningham has been revving the promotional engine for season 6 even before his mic drop moment in the first trailer. He continues this streak with Entertainment Weekly where he praises the new season and calls it “astonishing.”

This season’s cool because it resets the chess board and people get partnered with new people. Last year it was ‘worlds colliding.’ This year, it’s almost like you’re in a different drama series. There are new plans – and they’re enormous plans. There are new loyalties. There are new tensions. There are tensions between people where there were not tensions before. The words on the page are as delicious as what we’ve had in the past. And it’s culminating in some of the most remarkable television that’s ever been made. It’s astonishing.

As if we already couldn’t wait! He talks more Davos, his relationship with Stannis, and his new role, in Entertainment Weekly.

These may be the longest (16) waiting days ever for the Game of Thrones fandom but with the cast advocating for the season so, it’ll be well worth the wait. What are your thoughts? Let us know below!

The post Carice van Houten teases winter and Liam Cunningham calls Season 6 “astonishing” appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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