Friday, April 15, 2016

Game of Thrones Mega Trailer compiles all Season 6 footage

We here at WiCnet are Game of Thrones obsessives. We take every last image and clip we can find from the new seasons, and we break them down and we gif them, and we analyze them in every way we can think of.

But we’re not the only fans out there sit down and obsess over the show. Today we’re highlighting a fan-made video compiles every bit of footage released so far for Season 6. Well, not *every* bit of footage. Some of the newest stuff (like Sam and Gilly talking on a boat, or Arya’s blindness training) are left out. But by taking many of the shots from the trailers and teasers, plus a few bits from the clips the show has released, and the one Liam Cunningham debuted last week, and rearranging them, we can better see how some of the images are related. Check it out.

Now, there are a few “creative licenses” taken here. Did you catch them? We count a couple shots from Season 5 mixed in.

  • The overhead shot of the city (0:07)
  • The shot of Doran, as Ellaria leaves—Dorne has been conspicuously absent from promotional videos (1:07)

Then there’s the voiceover at the end, starting at 2:37. That’s actually a line Jon Snow utters in a Season 4 trailer entitled “Awaken.” It’s really effective, though.

But there is one shot we can’t identify, and it’s driving me nuts. Commenters, I need your help. I have looked through every last video we have of Season 6, and I cannot find this image anywhere. It must be from an earlier season, or a video we missed. And it’s IMPORTANT.

You should be spoiling, my mate
Tell me what you speculate 


This shot is at 0:51 in the video.

This is Theon.

This is Theon, in a cage.

This is Theon in a cage, and I think he’s suspended above Winterfell. (Look over his left shoulder.)

This is important. Do you remember this shot from last season? I don’t. But “suspended from a cage in the dead of winter freezing to death at Winterfell” is a thing that happens in the book….just not to Theon. It happens to a character who is dead on the show: Mance Rayder. Mance is put in the cage as punishment for helping Theon and Jeyne Poole, who is being passed off as “Arya Stark” at the time. The show simplified all that by having Sansa marry Ramsay instead. Is it possible that Theon is captured by Ramsay (at some point in the season—doesn’t have to be the beginning) and takes Mance’s place?


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