Friday, April 1, 2016

Game of Thrones Memory Lane 308: Second Sons


Another annually celebrated tomfoolerish day in our journey through the realms of time, and the powers have once again handed the keys to the kingdom to the resident village idiot. How appropriate.

Today we travel back through the annals to relive Episode 8 of Season 3 and to rediscover the chauvinistic, the espoused, the misbegotten, the lover and the slayer.

Take your clothes off and come sit in Oz’s lap, and I may let you peruse the memory lane for the Second Sons

Second Sons originally aired on May 19, 2013 and is the 28th episode. It was written by buffet procurers David Benioff and D.B. Weiss. The episode was directed by Michelle MacLaren (The Bear and the Maiden Fair, Oathkeeper, First of His Name). To date, Michelle has been the only female director for any episode of Game of Thrones.


Photo: Deviant Art nandomendonssa

The duo that sparked Disney’s Game of Thrones spinoff The Stark and the Hound start us off with a potential head-stoning case that would have been quite story-altering had the deed been carried out. But the Hound warns Arya against the act and she reconsiders only to learn that her captor intends to take her to meet her mother and brother at the Twins. And we all know how that ended up.


Dany is introduced to the Second Sons by Jorah and the Jedi, where her first encounter with the Titan’s Bastard transpires into comedy gold with the vulgar remarks of Mero (portrayed perfectly by Mark Killeen). Dany’s proposal to the Sons is discarded and they in turn make a plan to sneak into her camp and kill her during the night. Daario v.1 draws the lucky coin.


Gendry arrives at Dragonstone to be sacrificed for the Lord of Light while Davos learns to read in the dungeon. Stannis goes to consult Davos about the upcoming sacrifice of Gendry and agrees to free Davos so long as he promises to never again raise a hand to Mel.


Later, Gendry would be semi cock-teased by naked Red only to be strapped to the headboard and experience the mother of all buzzkills by way of leech. Three of them to be exact… and Stannis whistled and shouted and called them by name… usurper Robb, usurper Joffrey, usurper Balon Greyjoy!


Marg and Cersei bond at the wedding pregame giving viewers a quick history of the origin of “The Rains of Castamere,” essentially telling her and the Tyrells not to fuck with the Lannisters (or to call her “sister”).

Not what she had envisioned.

Not what she had envisioned.

Sansa would find that her first shot at nuptials would be anything but idealistic (and yet, a hell of a lot better than her second attempt).


Tyrion and Sansa wed and we the viewer would suffer (for what would seem like the longest scene in GoT history) through drunken Tyrion’s suffering at the hands of Joffrey at his own reception.


Tyrion ends up threatening Joffrey, which Tywin would defuse blaming the escalation on Tyrion’s drunkenness.

Later, Tyrion comforts Sansa and lets her know that he will not consummate the marriage without her approval and “the God of Tits and Wine” proceeds to pass out. The next morning, Shae pulls back the sheets to find no evidence and promptly leaves the room with a smile.


Opportunistic Daario v.1 would find his way into the makeshift Dragon Spa to find Dany letting Calgon take her away. The lover + fighter would present her with his sword and a gift containing two heads in a duffel bag as proof of his loyalty.


Finally, the crows gather on the Weirwood above where the retreating Sam and Gilly discuss baby names and fire-starting methods. As the crows become louder, a Walker approaches for the unnamed child. In a panic, Sam the coward inconceivably becomes Sam the Slayer.

Personal Awards

Favorite Quotes

“Take your clothes off and come sit on Mero’s lap, and I may give you my second sons.” -Mero


“Ser Barristan… when it comes to battle, kill that one first.” -Dany


“The darkness will devour them all she says. The night that never ends, unless I triumph. I never asked for this, no more than I asked to be King. We do not choose our destiny. We must do our duty, no? Great or small we must do our duty.” -Stannis

“You’re not a man that slaughters innocents for gain or glory.” -Davos to Stannis (Wow.)

“If you ever call me sister again, I’ll have you strangled in your sleep.” -Cersei

“Please don’t name him Randyll.” -Samwell Tarly

“There you have it! Nothing to worry about! Drinking and lust… no man can match me in these things! I am the God of tits and wine! I shall build a shrine to myself, at the next brothel I visit!” -Tyrion

“I suppose it doesn’t really matter which Lannister puts the baby into you. Maybe I’ll pay you a visit after my uncle passes out. How’d you like that? You wouldn’t? Well, that’s all right. Ser Meryn and Ser Boros will hold you down.” -Joffrey (such a little shit)

First sightings: Daario Naharis (Ed Skrein version), Mero (Mark Killeen), Prendahl na Ghezn (Ramon Tikaram), and the High Septon (Paul Bentley).

Deaths: Mero (who totally deserved an on-screen death, if not another episode or two), Prendahl na Ghezn, and a white walker.

Other Firsts: Although Randyll Tarly’s name had been mentioned in earlier episodes, this is the first time that Randyll is directly identified as Sam’s father.

After finding dragonglass in Season 2’s “The Prince of Winterfell,” it is the first time its significance is revealed to the viewer.

One of the big discussions following the episode was why Sam left the dragonglass behind that he used to kill the white walker. Maybe it was for this Beautiful Death:


Couple of pointless tidbits…

Found this E!Online piece where Ed Skrein talks about the reason he left Game of Thrones in multiple interviewsHonestly, there is really no direct reason mentioned other than “politics in the industry” and that the most important thing in his life is his family. Maybe he was trying to further his rapping career?

And I’m leaving this here just because my sick mind thinks it’s hilarious. I’m hoping for a new one after the end of S6. WARNING: It contains spoilers from an event that takes place in tomorrow’s Memory Lane!

That’s it for me today, oh great and loyal fanboys and girls. A man shall return in the not so distant future.

Tune in tomorrow for another joyous Westerosi wedding occassion.

Until then, you can find me here on twitter, and may there always be peace in your realm.


“Unbowed. Unbent. Unsullied.”

The post Game of Thrones Memory Lane 308: Second Sons appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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