Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Game of Thrones Season 6: Rumored Episode Titles

Hot off the presses of the new Game of Thrones Season 6 trailer, Geekly Inc has what it’s claiming are the titles for the first three episodes of the new season. It’s important to note that, around this time last year, Geekly leaked the first three episode titles for Season 5, and got them right.

If you’re having Spoiler problems I feel bad for you, son, I got 99 Spoilers and here is one!

Without further adieu, here’s what Geekly came up with:

  • Episode 1 – “The Red Woman”
  • Episode 2 – “Home”
  • Episode 3 – “Oathbreaker”


Now, we already knew that the first episode would be called “The Red Woman.” With a title like that, we can expect it to deal with Melisandre, who’s licking her wounds at Castle Black, but maybe also the arrival of a new Red Priestess in Meereen. Showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss do so love their multiple meaning titles.

Next we have “Home.” Now what could this title infer? We know that Sansa and Theon are escaping Ramsay and his men. And thanks to Alfie Allen’s spilling the proverbial beans, we know that Ramsay’s men catch up to them, a fight involving Brienne and Pod ensues, and then, apparently our unlikely duo go their own way.

Here’s a snippet of what Allen said:

In fact he doesn’t lead them away, because they see Sansa anyway and then Gwendoline Christie turns up as Brienne of Tarth and smashes everyone to shit. Dan Portman’s there — Pod — and then Pod ends up having a fight with this guy and then Theon stabs the guy in the back with the sword. He kills someone for the first time in ages, which must be a gratifying experience.

Game of Thrones

So, by using my Sherlock Holmesian sleuthing skills, I’m going to say that Theon decides that, once Sansa is under Brienne’s protection, he decides to take to the sea and sail home to the Iron Islands.

The third episode is purportedly titled “Oathbreaker.” When I heart hat, the first thing that comes to mind is the Night’s Watch and its vows. We know that Gilly and Sam are headed to Oldtown in Season 6. During the their journey in A Feast for Crows, Sam breaks his vows by having sex with Gilly en route. Might something similar happen in this episode?

Sam and Gilly on a boat to Oldtown Season 6 Official

Speaking of Night’s Watchmen, perhaps this will be the episode where Jon Snow will rise from the grave free of his vows he made to the Night’s Watch, as many fans suspect.

One more thought: “Oathbreaker” could be a reference to “Oathkeeper,” the Valyrian steel sword Jaime gave Brienne in Season 4. What if “Oathbreaker” has something to do with Brienne being caught by a band of marauders who bring her before their leader, a hooded figure who can only speak by covering her throat. She sees Brienne’s sword, sees that it comes from the Lannisters, thinks Brienne has broken her oath, and grows cross.



Via http://winteriscoming.net/2016/04/12/game-of-thrones-season-6-rumored-episode-titles/

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