Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Maisie Williams on her “Incredible” Stunt Double

The second Game of Thrones Season 6 trailer was a thrill a minute. Our Unsullied writer, Katie Majka, insisted afterward that she needed to lay down. But one of the most remarkable scenes came towards the end of the trailer, as we saw Arya Stark, who heretofore has only been seen either blind or being beaten by the Waif (Faye Marsay) do an incredible flip-up in a a dramatic fight scene between the two women.

GoT S6 T2 37

Maisie Williams is pretty pleased with it, too. Speaking to TVLine yesterday, she said she loves her fight scenes, though perhaps for a different reason than the rest of us. After all, she knows what parts of Arya’s fighting she did…and which parts she got to watch done by the stunt doubles. And the best part is you can’t tell which are which.

I’ve had stunt doubles before where — they were lovely girls — but they didn’t look like me. I didn’t buy it. Like, I don’t look at you from behind and think that you look like me. And that means the audience is gonna be the same. They’re gonna be like, ‘That’s not Arya!’ And instead of watching a fight scene like, ‘Oh my gosh girl, get up! Get up!,’ you’re going to be going, ‘That wasn’t even Maisie!’

Proof that Stunt Doubles don't always quite look the role.

Proof that Stunt Doubles don’t always quite look the role.

But in this season, she says you can’t tell when the stunt doubles are performing. They embodied the characters as well as she and Marsay did.

They were so great, and they were absolute troopers. They were so fit and incredible and made us look really, really good at fighting. Faye and I were pretty good at fighting, as well, but they were much better than us.

So in the clip above, when is it Arya and when is it the stunt doubles? Williams isn’t telling. “There was a good balance between the two,” she says, smiling. “Sometimes, it’s us.”

And either way, it’s *always* Arya.


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