Tuesday, April 5, 2016

New App Helps Game of Thrones Tourists Find Irish Filming Locales

For those about to find their way around Westeros, we salute you.

But for those wandering around Ireland, like little babes lost on the King’s Road ripe for the picking as winter bares down, help is on the way! Northern Ireland Screen has just introduced a brand new app for your smart phone that is designed to help all of those looking to find their way to Westeros.

According to the Irish Independent, the app, which was developed by Northern Ireland studio, The Design Zoo, features over 20 locations in Ireland, mostly around the Belfast area, that were featured in the show over the first five seasons.


21 locations from Seasons 1-5 are featured, including the Dark Hedges in Co. Antrim, Ballintoy Harbour, Tollymore Forest and Portstewart Strand. Detailed scene information and 360-degree, panoramic photos are also included.

Richard Williams, Chief Executive of Northern Ireland Screen, is chuffed by the app’s debut:

“Game of Thrones has now become a huge part of Northern Ireland culture and we know the appetite for information about the show is vast around the world. We hope that the app will allow visitors and fans of Game of Thrones to see the massive part the Northern Ireland landscape plays in the series.”

Though the app is being credited to the government-backed agency, Northern Ireland Screen, it is also being championed by the country’s Tourism board, Tourism Ireland. It is currently available for free download on GooglePlay and iTunes.

Alcázar of Seville

Alcázar of Seville

Meanwhile, in Spain, a brand new tour is getting off the ground to take advantage of HBO moving themselves bag and baggage to their country for filming areas of Westeros and Essos this past season. A company that bills itself as “luxury travel service” Zicasso, is now offering a 12-day tour of the locations in Spain that the show has filmed in for the last two seasons. They include six UNESCO World Heritage Sites. (Yes, the show does actually get to film on World Heritage sites.)

The trip–which is almost $10k for the whole package, includes such destinations as Grenada, Seville, Catalonia and Andalusia, which served as Braavos in Essos, plus Dorne, King’s Landing and other parts of Westeros.

Via http://winteriscoming.net/2016/04/05/new-app-helps-game-of-thrones-tourists-find-irish-filming-locales/

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