Monday, April 11, 2016

New Dany Scene Airs from Game of Thrones Season 6

Game of Thrones Season 6, Episode 1 is now out there in the world. Though the production did not make screeners available to reviewers ahead of time, there’s still a long two weeks to go between now and the official premiere. And though most involved with the production intend to stay as tight lipped as they were before the showing of the episode last night, we can expect that not everyone will be so well behaved, and that spoilers will start leaking out the sides of the promotional materials sooner rather than later,.

One of those (mini) spoilers–bite sized even–is already here. As part of their coverage of last night’s event, Reuters debuted a (very short) new clip from what we are assuming is the first episode. It features Dany, who we have seen in the trailers being frogged marched across the Great Grass Sea by her captors in the new khalasar. Up until now we have only seen images of her walking a tiny blonde speck amid thousands, or standing in front of a Khal whose face we cannot see. In this clip, we finally get a look at where they are taking her. The clip starts just after the one minute mark.

Oh, baby, every morning there are spoilers to climb
Taking all my time
Oh, yes I speculate on what I see
Welcome to reality


Welcome home, eh?

For those who are wondering where the Dothraki have taken her, and where they are welcoming her to, the answer is the Vaes Dothrak. For those who might remember, it was mentioned way back in the first season as the only Dothraki city in existence. Located in the middle of the Dothraki Sea, it is a city boasted to be large enough to hold every Dothraki clan should they all decide to gather at once. The permanent population is much smaller though, made up of slaves and the dosh khaleen–the widows of Khals who are sent there to live out the rest of their lives there once their husbands die. (Remember, before Dany, no Khaleesi had ever lead a Dithraki horde, and chances are the wife of the new Khal would not want the wife of the old Khal hanging around the tribe causing tensions.)

That the Dothraki take Dany here suggest that they indeed do believe her when she says she is the wife of the late Khal Drogo. The only problem is by claiming that mantle, she is therefore going to be treated by the Dothraki the way they would treat the window of any late Khal–putting her in storage out in the middle of nowhere, to live out her life far fro where she could cause trouble… or in Dany’s case, have any hope of finally crossing the Narrow Sea to conquer Westeros.


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